25// italian

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Class is over and I go to Italian

I get into italian and Ashley is the only one there with me.

She gives me a dirty look and sits down

Then her friends come in and she tells them about what happened. They look at me annoyed and talk about something else

I text Jessica about what happened and she said Amanda texted her. She said how she was proud I finally stuck up for myself.

The teacher walks in and gives us worksheets to do. While I'm doing them I hear Zacks friends talking about me

"Yo did you hear what Zack said to that girl over there" one of them say
"No what" the other responds
"Well he basically said she's irrelevant because no one knows who she is cause we didn't know her. And of course she felt offended cause who wouldn't"
"Oh yeah I remember that. That was a bad move"
"I know I feel bad she apparently really likes him"

After I heard that I turned and looked at them with a look like "ew no"

They clearly caught on because one of them cane up to me

"Hello what do you want" I say
"Well I saw you look at me"
"Okay and"
"I heard you like Zack"
"I used to not anymore tho"
"Oh why"
" i don't know he's just kinda rude to me and also isn't he dating that girl" is day
"Oh no they broke up.. again"  he says

He sits back down and the teacher goes over the worksheets. Then class is over and I go to history.

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