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My first X-Reader ever written... Holy shit... Cringe... And also... Grammar... Also... Unedited...


It has been two weeks since tou ran away from you're stupid marine parents and joined the straw hats. Long story short. You like Luffy but haven't told him or any male gender straw hat. But you dont know that Luffy also likes you and has told all of the male gender straw hats.
You woke up a bit dizzy and sleppy as always. You would sleep some more but you're hungry. Still in you're (S/W) you go to the kitchen where Sanji is already cooking and Luffy already half slepping and half eating. Until he realises that you are at the dor.
- (F/N)- Chwwaann! You're nutricious breakfeast await's! - Said Sanji
- Thank's Sanji-kun. - You said pulling up a chair next to Luffy and sitting down.
Sanji put a plate of sausage and scrambled eggs. Paying more attention to Sanji you didn't notice that you stabbed Luffys hand with a fork.
- NYYAAHH!!! - Luffy yelled stretching back his arm.
- Sorry! - You told him as you blushed a few 50 shades of red.

Timeskip to when you find an island.

- Look an island! - Said Luffy already excited to explore.
- Luffy, no picking fights, you to Zoro otherwise that will be 100,000,000 beries. - Said Nami already taxing.               

The island was chilly, you decide to put on a (t/j) with a long ziper since the only thing you could find to wear was a (f/c)top tank. You went to walk around the island's small town with Luffy and Zoro to find a restaraunt or a bar. Until this really weird guy who appeard to be drunk came to you,
- Hey there pretty lady *Hick* it is hot out why don't you take off that jacket? Here i will help you. - He started to pull down the zipper to you're jacket untill the hole jacket whas unzipped. he tried to get his dirty lil hands on you and wanted to kiss you. You were Shocked and did   not know what to do. Untill Luffy already had enough of this started to run to the guy and punch him. You were going to stop Luffy but Zoro put his arm in front to you with a very plane look. You understood to stay out


After punching the weird guy in the face i  lifted up.
  - Zoro, common lets go i'm hungry. - I grabbed her  wrist and said - Lets go. She looked very read. Maybe i should i should ask her to pay a visit to Chopper.


  After lunch you went back to the ship.
- (Y/N) - Chan! - Luffy called. You went to see what whas up in the boys room for Luffy to call you. He never cals you. Once you came in you heard the door closing behind and locking.
- Luffy what's going on? - You aked him.
- Dunno. - He said lifting his shoulders.
- Why did you call me? - You asked
- I didn't. - He said confused.
You tried opening the door it woudn't budge. Luffy tried too. But there whas a  sea stoneobject behind it so he couldn't open it either.
- Great where stuck in here - You said sitting on the with you're arms crossed.
- (Y/N) - Chan, it everything okay? - Luffy asked worried.
- Yes why? - You told him a bit curious.
- Because of... earlier with the man... You looked scared. - Luffy said sitting beside you in the bed with a sad look on his face.
- Yes just fine, i was a bit scared but everything is okay. - You said smilling to you're captain.
- Good next time kick his ass. - Said Luffy a bit relefied.
- Luffy... I love you. - You told him.
- (Y/N)- chan i love you to. - He said
You felt great knowing that it was setled... But... You felt sick to you're stomach. It whas weird you passed out on the bed as Luffy shouted you're name.
   The next thing you knew you were in the sick bay. Were Luffy was beside you talking to someone.
- Luffy she's fine, just a little sea sick. Come on it's dinner time.
- No. I am staying here with (Y/N)- Chan. She might need me.
The person walkes out of the room. Luffy started to cry.
- (Y/N) - Chan, wake up...
You finally decided to fully wake up. Only to recieve a hug from Luffy who looked as happy as ig someone made him a feast with assorted meats.
- (Y/N)- Chan! I'm glad you're awake! I missed you so much! - Said Luffy
- How long whas i out? - You asked.
- Fiftenn minutes. - Said Chopper sweatdropping.
- Can i go to my room know? - you asked Chopper.
- Yes. Just dont try to fight anyone. - Said Chopper.
- I'll help you! -said Luffy grabbing you out of the sick bay bed to carry you around in a bridal style to you're room.
- Thanks Luffy. - You said as you walked around still a little sick so you did have little hard time moving around. You asked Luffy to leave so you could change into a real outfit instead of that ridiculous tank top and skirt. After finally dressing nicelly ( by nicelly you mean a white with black sleeves T-shirt and some leggins) you went to the kitchen, everyone whas glad to see you awake. (Zoro whas but he doesn't show emotions XD)

It's also unfinished, but gaaah cringe.

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