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A/N: Hello! It's been a while hasn't it? I'm not dissapearing forever, I swear!

You were drunkenly sobbing at a bar you randomly found after a hard day. The tears streamed from your eyes constantly while you tried to compose yourself. 

When suddenly your phone vibrates. 

"(Y/n) are you okay?" Ace asks. 

"Yeah, why?" You tried to hide the cracks in your voice as best you could.

"Because my dad just called and told me you were crying at his bar." He answered nonchallantly.

You looked closely at the bartender. Crap. That was his dad.

"Either way, I'm picking you up." He said, before hanging up.

You glared at pops. You knew this situation was too good to be true. 

"Oi! Bartender! Since you're son is picking me up gimme ten more shots!" You exclaimed, slamming the last of your "drinking to hide the pain" money on the table.

"Guarararara! Coming right up!" He laughed, knowing very well how this situation would unfold. 

At your sixth shot, Ace barged in the bar. 

"Your girlfriend is over here brat!" He exclaimed, giving your location away while you chugged more shots.

"Why are you letting her drink more?!" He exclaimed, putting his hands on your shoulders in attempts to pull you away from the shot filled pub table. 

"A customer is a customer!" He shrugged. 

"Then why'd you rat me out?!" You questioned, pointing a finger at the muscular and much taller man.

"Even as a customer, you're still family." He retorted. 

"If she's family don't let her get drunk off her ass!"Ace exclaimed, dragging you away from your drinks. 

"See ya soon!" Pops waved goobye.

Ace was furious, you could feel the anger coming off of him. Usually, this would be a time when you shouldn't press his buttons. 


"You're butt is really nice~" You complimented, eyeing it.

"Thank you I've been working out." He growled, blushing. 

He opened the car door and pushed you in. 

"Where's the soft Ace?" You pouted, buckling your seat belt. 

"He was looking for you for three hours while you were having shots." He grumbled, putting the key in the ignition, a frilly keychain dangling from it. 

The drive home was silent, the only sounds coming from the streets while you played with your thumbs in the backseat. 

Eventually ariving at your apartment complex, he unlocked the backdoors and helped you out. 

Composing your drunken self, you walked with him to your door. 

"Are you gonna stay with me?" You asked.

"If I left you alone you'd be a danger to yourself." He sighed, unlocking your door.

You walked in, slightly sobered from his harsh treatment, but still a trainwreck. 

"Drink some water." He said, handing you a water bottle from the fridge. 

You quickly took it, drinking a feel gulps to please him. 

You sat on your small sofa, feeling ashamed.

"What hapenned?" He sighed, sitting beside you. 

"My boyfriend broke up with me." You choked, tears threatning to spill again. 

Although still displeased, his eyes softened and allowed you to stay in his warm embrace. 

You cried in his arms for what seemed to be an eternity, before he sighed.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you." He said softly. 

"It's okay." You tried to console. 

"Do you want to watch something and eat ice cream?" He offered, to which you nodded in response. 

After you changed into your breakup outfit and he changed into an outfit he left at your house once, the two of you watched hollywood's most heinous crime: Mac and me. 

So awful in fact, you laughed to tears.

"I still can't believe this is your favorite movie!" You wheezed, while Ace laughed loudly beside you. 

As the night went on, your eyelids became heavier, and eventually you dosed off. 

Ace being the wonderful friend he is, took your sleeping self to your bed. 

"Goodnight, (Y/n)." He said, letting go of the blanket he used to cover you.

"Wait." You said, grabbing his wrist.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Could you stay with me?" You asked, blushing. He sighed, crawling in to your bed. 

"Is this good?" He asked, laying beside you. You nudded, nuzzling closer. 

"G'night." You muttered, falling asslep.

"Goodnight." He said, closing his eyes.

The next day you woke up with an awful headache, and in someone's chest.

"I see you're finally dealing with the consequences of yesterday's shenanigans." He teased, still embracing you.

"I'm sorry you had to pick me up." You groaned.

"Don't worry, seeing you like this makes up for it." He chuckled.

"We didn't fuck or anything right?" You asked.

"What do you take me for? An ass?" He asked, offended. You sighed in relief.

"You're warm. I could stay here forever." You said, enjoying his body heat.

"I know I'm hot. You even complimented my butt yesterday." He said.

"I did what?!" You exclaimed, blushing.

"I saw the way you looked at it! Don't play innocent now (Y/n)!" He teased. 

"Shut up!" You exclaimed, blushing. 

A/N: Ah yes, nothing like leaving someone in the friendzone. I hope you enjoyed!

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