Chapter 2

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"Kailyn, this is Joshua," introduced Nathan. "Joshua, this is Kailyn, the one who was going to shift for the first time."

Why had I never met him when we came here the previous times? Was he always away? I remember being with mom most of the time before the shift. Then, whenever the shift started, I stayed in our room. I guess I was too shy since I never interacted with the children.

I nodded in response to his hello.

"Well, how about we eat?"

The room was tense in an uncomfortable silence. I don't know if it was because of me or the terrible events that have happened. Nathan relayed the message to Joshua that my parents were dead; he gave me a pitied look before turning his attention back to his father.

Breakfast went quickly to which Nathan and Alyssa excused themselves because they hadn't slept. I eyed Joshua after their departure. I didn't want to be with him, didn't want to be with anyone really. Didn't Joshua stay up all night as well? Where was he this early in the morning? Why did he come back at this time?

Joshua had his eyes narrowed in my direction. Was he glaring at me?

"Just because you're going to become my adopted sister doesn't mean I'm going to treat you like one," he suddenly shot out at me. "Don't expect me to be protective of you." Without another word, he left me to my own thoughts.

Up in "my bedroom," I laid against the covers not even attempting to get comfortable. My body felt like rocks falling down a deep ravine.

My wolf was the first one to get any thoughts through my head. They're gone.... I was never able to see Leo or Tia. Those were my parent's wolves' names. Bro and sis are nowhere to be found. We need to go find them! We need to find our family!

And how exactly are we supposed to do that? We don't have the slightest clue on where they're at. We'll most likely die on the first day. What if they come back and we're dead? I would rather be alive and go through grief then them. We stay here.

And do what?

Nothing. We do nothing.

Throughout the day, we just sat there not really thinking about anything. I listened to the footsteps going back and forth downstairs, noise from children, and some yelling.

Did I get a soundproof room? Probably not...

Footsteps coming toward my room made me panic. Jumping off my bed, I hustled to the bathroom and turned on the shower. It was getting close to dinnertime and there was no way I was going to eat with them. They didn't want me; they were just pitying me. Joshua probably wanted me to be gutted and get out of his way. I got into the shower while the door to my room opened. There was a slight sigh before the door closed.

Was that Joshua? So he really didn't want me. Was it because I might steal his parents attention like in the books? Or was it because I might destroy his image? Maybe it might be from an old time grudge thing. Or was he disappointed that it was me that got away?

I would rather be tortured than be here. Where are they? Why can't they be found? Why did this have to happen? Why couldn't I had just died with mom and dad?

I'll never be able to spend time with them again. They'll never see me graduate, find my mate, get married, have my first kid. They'll never be grandparents, forever stuck at the age of annoying teenagers. The last thing they remembered of me was hiding in a blanket.

The last thing I'll remember of them would be leaving the car frightened. I was such a coward; I should have fought or something. Who cares if I died trying?!?! At least, I would have done something with my life.

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