Chapter 10

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Brandon and I ran out of the building towards a clearing I saw on the way to the house. Most people should be working or at home taking care of the children--meaning we had the place to ourselves.

If memory proved correct, then this was where Troy broke the news of Travis's and Eligh's death. There wasn't any pathway next to the place as there had been before; trees covered the surroundings. The pathway, which used to have willows as a xyst had apple trees instead, was moved some meters to the left.

We can't have people goading him down so I think staying out of the gym would be beneficial. Remember when I wasn't talking to you after finding out about mom and dad? That was because I was stuck inside of you. If we just get him more in shape with better self-esteem, we might just be able to bring him out. I say we get him stronger before meditating.

That sounds good to me.

"Let's start out with your muscle strength and endurance," I scanned the trees and ground around the place. "How many push ups, pull ups, crunches, squats, and lunge can you do?"

"Ten push ups, one pull up, twenty crunches, thirty squats, and fifteen lunges on each side," listed off Brandon.

Well, that's a problem. That's sort of low even for strong mortals. We need to get him as strong as an omega wolf at least. Do you think their parents just didn't care about him? Once they had Adam on par for a Beta, they just forgot about their second son?

That would explain a lot.

"We need to toughen you up quite a bit. You see that tree branch near the edge over there?" I pointed to a tree oak that was straight enough for a pull up bar. Going over to it, I did a couple just to see how strong it was. "If you can't keep going, hang there for as long as you can."

I watched him do ten while shaking like a limb in a rainstorm. Poor guy was going to have to go through a lot to get better. Maybe a five minute break to get water from the house might help. We'll need to do some dynamic stretches to get his body warmed up.

He was like Troy when he was a teenager. His speed was fabulous but the strength in his punches were never stellar. That was when I put him on a muscle program. But, Troy also had his wolf so it was easier for him to acquire the muscle. We worked on his arms with the machines and simply punching the air. Too bad we couldn't use the machines because I didn't want the other teenagers bothering us.

He did two more then hung there for a bit. Never mind, I'll go get the water while he stays there.

"Hey, I'm going to get water bottles for us. After a five minute break, we'll do dynamic stretching before building up stamina." I left for the water that I was able to find in the fridge.

Craig was in his office signing papers so I knew right now wouldn't be good to bother him. Adam came out of his room upstairs when I was about to go out the front door. A smile spread across my lips as he came around the corner in gym clothes. Hopefully, he'll like my take on pushing his brother into shifting. Nobody can tell that he has his wolf so they haven't tried anything to bring him out. It was a sad scene to see.

I got down the steps and heard laughter in the direction of the clearing. Something was wrong.

"You're such a failure! You really think working out will do anything for you? You're worse than an omega; you're human," snarled a boy. I rushed to the edge only letting Adam see my speed.

This boy pushed Brandon against the tree. Weren't they supposed to be in school? Maybe it starts later than I thought here.

"Do you think missing school will help you as you beat up a member?" I queried them while Adam stopped next to me.

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