We Blossom in June to Fade in Doubt

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The next day you talked to him again...And that day you truly understood his decisive silence. You were in the exact same manner as he described the horrors his mind concocted when you were away. Each detail of every battle thus far left a burning memory in your own mind...

Somehow these terror did not make him as scared as you were, but instead made him energized, angry...He'd talk about his hysteric episodes in which he felt as if he could defeat any malformed creature that disgusted him.

He'd talk about how your voice would heal him...Give him will to keep trying to defeat...him...Alan hated whoever that person was with a passion. And he wanted to kill it...You could feel it radiating off of him...Sadly you had to leave then, promising to come back tomorrow to talk some more...

The next day he described a bloody battle on a chessboard. It felt like a real war story from someone who really was there...You could see it in his eyes that it was hell...But a necessary hell...Sharing these with you, you felt almost a part of the world Alan was lost in...You can now see why he was in a panic if you were late...You would hate to be in such a delusion all alone for so long...

"And then...Then..." He trailed off, feeling something around him...A fuzzy light feeling coming from it.

You were warm, bringing back good memories somehow...You made him think of a shining sun and rained down rays of joy and happiness. He knew he could do it then...He could beat that evil bastard of a king that made him hurt people and that made you so scared. He would rule his own mind once more and keep you safe forever...And that was his promise. He placed an arm protectively around you as you lean on and embraced him.

"And then it was over and I moved on..."

You must have dozed off listening to him because you came out of your daze to see Alan toying with the pocket watch your Mum got for your 18th birthday...

You laughed to see him fiddle with it as you tried to take it out of his hands.

"If you mess with it too much, my watch might turn 3 days slow and I'll be three days late.."

He immediately gave you the pocket watch back as you giggled.

"I got this for my 18th birthday...'So you can be timely for your husband' Mum says." You roll your eyes as you looked to Alan.

You were interrupted early as your Stepdad walked into the room. Embarrassed, you create some distance between you and Alan, causing another curious and confused face to appear on him.

"(Y/n), that Indian lad is at the house waiting for you..."

"Doesn't he know the hours?" you sighed looking at your watch.

"Your mother has tried to tell him but he is very determined to pry you from...Here...Perhaps he thinks it's unhealthy for you to come here day and night."

You got up and got ready to leave.

"I'll try my best to come back whenever I have a moment." You said to Alan with a smile, turning to the door.

You felt your hand be pulled back. You looked to see Alan stubbornly holding your arm.

"Come now, Alan...We can have a lot more time tomorrow! I'll be sure to set this whole thing right and make sure it never happens again..."

At that, he begrudgingly let you go and watched you leave his hall...


A/N: 3K read Special ;* 

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