Chapter 1

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"It's your first day of school, don't you wanna look nice?!", my mother whined as I got into the car.
"Not in particularly", I shot back as I fastened my seatbelt.
"Whatever", she mumbled under her breath.
It was a 15 minute drive to the high school I've been going to since the second semester of my freshman year. It was one of the worst schools but it was what we could afford. Country High School was known for its awful behavior problems and drug deals.
It wasn't long before we pulled up in front of the giant prison-like entry gates.
Country High had this stupid system where students didn't get their schedules till the first day of school. They had to report to homeroom for half an hour, however homeroom didn't exist for the remainder of the school year.
I waited for what seemed like forever to get my 10th grade schedule. It was kinda weird being called a sophomore because two months ago I was teased for being a freshman. The teacher who was standing at the front of the room, who's name seemed to be Ms. Marco, finally called my name. As I stood up and walked to get the piece of paper she was holding out to me, it felt as if every eye in the room was on me. I stumbled over a chair before finally grabbing my schedule and sulking back to my chair in the back of the room.
This years schedule looked a hell of a lot more complicated; I looked over my schedule in shock. Sophomore year is gonna suck.
Thankfully I had the best teacher for first period and all my friends had that class with me. I only had like 4 friends but I had classes with all of them except 6 period. Nobody I was friends with took Honors Chem.
The day slugged by as slow and boring as you can expect high school to be. When I walked into Rm: 428, I panicked, I had one of those "where do I sit" moments. I looked around and saw a familiar face, one of the guys who used to hang around my ex boyfriend.
"Hey can I sit here?", I asked quietly. I don't know why I asked, he didn't own the chair. He looked me up and down before nodding and looking back down at his phone. Before long two more familiar faces sat down at our table. Two girls I was acquainted with from last year but we were never really friends.
Our first assignment was to create name cards and put a positive adjective that started with the first letter of our name in front of our names. I don't understand why this teacher decided we were in kindergarten again. However, she threatened to fail us if we didn't comply with the assignment.
Mine was Terrific Taylor. The rest of them picked: Cool, Calm, and Collected Conor, Autistic Ariana, and Nice Nicole.
I could already tell I was gonna hate this class. School couldn't end sooner. My last period went by just fine my Platoon Commander sat next to me in 7th period.
A few more boringly repetitive days later, the teachers began giving work out.
I walked into the increasingly irritating chemistry class. The teacher seemed to drone on for hours and used a mic she didn't even need.
"I really don't feel like doing any of this", Ariana whined.
"Yah me either", I agreed.
"Oh shut up Ms. Baby Genius, at least you understand half of this bullshit", she whispered angrily at me.
"Don't call me that! I'm not even that smart", I shot back.
That earned laughs and "yaahhh okaaaaay"s from the other three.
"Just be glad you're smarter than Conor", Nicole laughed.
"Huh?", the sound Conor made that somehow made him sound dumber.
We all just laughed.
"I have an idea!", I said as I grabbed the notes.
"Of course you do baby genius", they all
Said in unison.
"First, fuck you all-", I began to say.
"Ooooh is that an offer", Conor said as he scrolled away on his stupid phone.
"Second, we can just take pictures and then do it later.", I said as I ignored the ignorance that sat across from me.
They agreed and began taking pictures, but my camera wasn't working.
"Just give me your number I'll send it to you", said Captain Dumbass I mean Conor.
"Sure Whatever give me your phone I'll put it in", I regretted as soon as I said it because then the three of them shouted "that's what she said" and laughed.

**Keep reading to see the first text messages between Conor and Taylor. As always, comment what you think is going to happen next. Check out my other stories as well. Message me for info on my Instagram to be kept up to date and read never before posted stories.**

**Feel free to message me whenever for advice or to talk about anything. I'll try to respond as quickly as I can, I've been having WiFi issues**

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