Chapter 10

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I woke up in a groggy daze, a little sweaty. Danny was still passed out on the couch when I got up. I began cleaning up the mess from what had happened earlier. Thank god we have hardwood flooring because the coffee would not have been as easily cleaned up.
"Hey hey hey, let me get that", Danny said as he took the washcloth out of my hand.
"I can do it it. Honestly, I'm fine!", I reassured as I took it back.
"You're not supposed to be cleaning right now, you were just in the hospital because YOU DIED", Danny argued.
"Dude, you have no idea how dramatic you sound right now", I laughed.
"Dramatic but right", he said, pointing a finger at me.
"Fine whatever. I'm gonna go take a shower", I reluctantly agreed and handed him the rag.
"Woah woah woah, not without me!", Danny shouted.
"We're close. But not THAT close", I said weirded out a little.
"No not like that. I'm just saying. Let me sit in there with you, I'll have my back to you so I can't see you but at least I can make sure you're safe", he explained.
"Fine. But bring some music and some food", I agreed.
"You literally just ate", he said surprised.
"And?", I shot back.
"Unbelievable", he mumbled.
I instructed him to wait outside the door while I undressed and got in the tub. I added bubble-stuff to make sure he couldn't see anything. After I slipped in and became encased in the soft warm feeling of the water, I called Danny in.
He walked in backwards and sat down by the edge of the bath, with his back against the tub.
"Everything ok?", he asked.
"Still alive, Sherlock", I mumbled and laid back.
We sat in silence for a while, which was kinda nice. It had been a long day and I didn't really feel like talking. I scooped up a few bubbles from the surface of the water and tipped them over Danny's head. Slowly but surely, the bubbles dripped onto his short, messy black hair.
"Dude what the fuck", he jumped up.
"DUDE!!", I yelled, covering myself.
"Sorry sorry", he shouted back, covering his eyes.
"You got a little something on your head", I couldn't resist laughing.
"You know what-", Danny began to say but as he took a step forward he slipped on the bath mat and went head first into the bath.
"Well now you got a lot of something on you", I joked.
"Sorry!!!", he shouted, still covering his eyes.
Before I knew what I was doing I slipped my fingers under the hem of his shirt and slid it off his body. He didn't seem to resist, in fact his body language seemed to encourage it. I unfastened his belt and pulled it from its loops, throwing it into the corner of the bathroom.
"What are you-", Danny began to say before quickly shutting his mouth.
I snapped back to reality and immediately stopped. I grabbed the nearest towel and wrapped it around my body. Still soaking wet and covered in bubbles I ran to my room and locked the door like a little kid.
"I'm sorry", I shouted through the safety of the door.
"It's fine", he mumbled. I heard his head lean against the door as he sighed.
"I don't know what came over me", I tried to make sense of what I'd done while wiping the bubbles from my body.
"It's not a big deal. Are you ok?", he asked.
"I'm fine", I replied as I unlocked the door. The doorknob felt cold under my fingertips as I opened the door.
Danny still didn't have his shirt on, I never realized how buff this kid was. I stuck my hand out from behind the door and poked his shoulder.
He snatched my finger and pulled me out from behind the door. We stood in the door way, he was half naked and I was only covered by a towel. He intertwined his fingers with mine and pressed his body against mine. His hand slithered it's way to my waist as he pulled me closer.
I stood on my tippy-toes and leaned in, so that there was only a millimeter of space between our lips. When he leaned forward, I pulled back and stepped away.
"You tease!", he mocked.
"It's my signature move, pretty boy", I laughed.
"Wanna see mine?", he asked.
I didn't have time to respond before he pushed me up against the wall and pressed his lips to mine in a burst of passion, electricity, fire...and a little saliva.
It wasn't a bad kiss. In fact, it was a really good one. The type of kiss that make your toes curl and your skin form goosebumps. The kiss that made your body crave more of him. His hand cradled my chin, as his thumb trailed along my jawline.
"Hmmm", he said as he pulled away.
"What?", I questioned.
"If the sex is as good as that than no wonder why Conor's worried", he smiled.
I rolled my eyes and playfully smacked his chest. He grabbed my hand and wrapped it around his neck. Danny leaned in once more and gave me another heart-stopping kiss. This time the kiss was better than the first. I pulled away.
"We shouldn't be doing this", I mumbled as I walked away from that blissful moment.
"Why not!?", he sounded like a two year old being told he couldn't have ice cream for dinner.
"Because I've got a baby coming in like 2-3 months!", I shouted.
"And!?", he shrugged like it was no big deal.
"I can't ask you to take this responsibility", I sighed.
"Yah? Well what if I told you I'm asking for it?", he asked.
"Then I'd say you're dumb", I mocked.
"Then you can call me dumb when I'm holding your hand and telling you to breathe while the nurse tells you to push", he intertwined our fingers once more.

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