Chapter 7

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"Hey", Danny shouted as I passed him by.
I tried my hardest to ignore him but eventually just gave him a small wave.
"Everything ok? Did I do something?", he asked, walking towards me.
"No. Sorry, I've just got a lot on my mind", I mumbled as I tried to walk away.
" to me about it", he mentioned as he took my hand and led me to a couple of empty seats.
"No it's ok. I'm honestly fine", I add and carefully fold my hands together.
"Um you sure? You're acting kinda weird", he said with a bit of concern.
"Yah I'm great", I mumble as I stare at my shoes.
"Well um okay...I kinda wanted to talk to you anyways though", he started.
"What about? More drama with Angelina?", I asked.
"No. About us", he kept going.
"Um okay?", I spit out awkwardly.
"Look, I know you're with him and all but...", he began to say.
"I don't wanna hear it! Whatever it is, let it go", I cut in and stood up.
"Just listen to me", he added, grabbing my hand and gently pulling me back down.
"No! Why should I?", I asked.
"Because I'm in love with you, Taylor! I could do so much better than he could! Why can't you see that!?", he shouted, a bit too loud.
"Because I don't wanna see it! I'm gonna ignore it till the day I turn to dust", I defended.
"I'm not asking for anything in return. I'm just telling you that I could take care of you and this baby better than he ever could", he mumbled angrily, an effort to keep the conversation between us.
"Danny, stop. You and I both know there's never gonna be anything between us. For years I've never been good enough for you, why all of a sudden now? Cause I'm happy with someone other than you?", I shouted, not bothering to keep the conversation at a low.
"No because it's taken me 3 years to realize what I've missed out on", he defended.
"Oh bull to the freakin shit!! You are such a liar!", I yelled and began to walk off.
"Let me love you, dammit!", he spat as he grabbed my wrist.
"Let. Me. Go.", I yelled as I ripped my wrist free from his clammy grasp.
"Is there an issue here?", Conor growled as he stepped in between Danny and I.
"No", I rumbled off as I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the exit.
"This isn't over", Danny yelled in our direction.
Conor stopped in his tracks, "Excuse me?", he yelled as he spun around in Danny's direction.
"You think she's all yours but eventually she's gonna come running back to me", Danny spat.
"Un-fucking-believable Danny!!!", I yelled and tried pulling Conor towards the exit.
"You heard me. You think you're all that, asshat. But in reality we all know I'd be a better man for her than you could ever be", he said gesturing around the room.
"Yah? You think so? Is that what everyone was saying when you had her on her knees crying because you told her she wasn't worth your time? Is that what y'all were saying when she cut herself because you convinced her you liked her and then told her you wanted her best friend? Or is that what you guys said when you gained her trust again just to bring her to tears again because you didn't need her?", Conor shouted as he took slow steps towards Danny.
"I'm not responsible for what she did. I made mistakes but she blew them out of proportion", he defended.
"Of course, blame it on everyone but yourself", I argued.
"Every mother fucking day I held her while she cried because all she wanted to do was help you with all your problems. She believed in your dumbass for reasons I'll never understand! Do you know the feeling of watching your girlfriend cry over a guy who won't stop leading her on to believe you could actually be friends again!?", Conor yelled as he took one last step, toe-to-toe with Danny.
"I've changed.", he argued.
"Bullshit. You lost your chance, buddy.", Conor mocked.
"Ya? How do you know that's not MY kid she's-", Danny began to cough out before Conor's fist slammed hard into his face.
I ran towards the two scrambling around on the floor. I tried to pull them apart but eventually I toppled over and was hit in the face. Which only made them fight more.
I began to yell at them until I was hit in the stomach and had the wind knocked out of me. I keeled over holding my stomach and gasping for air.
"Babe I'm so sorry", Conor tried to say.
I just held up a hand to silence him as I stood up and walked out.
Conor chased after me which didn't take much as I wasn't too keen on running.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean-", he began to say.
"Stop. I dont wanna hear it", I spat.
"But babe-", he choked out
"I really don't care. I'm so sick of everything. I'm sick of everyone acting like they've got it worse. Do you honestly think that his stupid ass words are the priority right now?", I argued.
"No I don't I'm sorry. I lost my temper. I should've been focused on you and our little bean", he sighed.
"I just wanna go home", I mentioned as I got in the car and slammed the door.

A few hours later my phone buzzed. I picked it up and instantly wished I'd chucked it off the interstate.

Danny: Taylor, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.
Me: honestly? I really don't care. You put unnecessary stress on me and my child.
Danny: I'm sorry I just love you
Me: you have a funny way of showing it. Bye, Danny.
Danny: please. Don't leave me. Everyone else does. Please I need you.
Me: you went and ruined your friendship with me. Not because you like me but because you let your ego convince you what to do. AS YOU ALWYAS DO
Danny:I'm sorry
Me: sorry doesn't always fix it. Bye.

"Honestly, I don't know why you put up with him", Conor sighed as he climbed into the soft, pillowy comfort of our bed.
"Me either. Trust and believe he's out of our lives. And to think, I thought he'd changed", I mumbled and climbed into bed.
"What's that supposed to mean?", Conor said as if he were taken aback by my statement.
"Nothing. I just meant I thought he wasn't a Dickbag McFuckface, but SURPRISE he still is", I laughed.
Conor just mumbled something under his breath and threw a pillow at the light switch, conveniently turning the lights off.
"I hope you know that just cause they're 'throw pillows' doesn't mean you actually throw them", I joked.
We both laughed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I could feel the warmth of my skin against his. I could hear his heart beating, slow and steady. This was my favorite place in the world.
Right here. Right here, right now, with him. The way his breathing would make his chest rise and fall in a calming way. The way his fingers would draw little circles on the small of my back. The way it was just so easy to fall asleep in his arms. This was a place I wish I could never leave...

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