Chapter 9

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"Hey, hey don't worry about that right now", Danny comforted as the two boys walked towards the bed.
"Where am I?", I groaned, trying to sit up.
"You tried to kill yourself. You're in the hospital under suicide watch", Conor spat.
"Dude lay off. She doesn't need this right now", Danny hissed.
"I'm fine but...what do you mean? I didn't try to kill myself?", I explained.
"We pulled you out of a bathtub unconscious", Conor responded.
"But I didn't try to kill myself. I was trying to relieve stress by taking a warm bath. I didn't mean to get hurt", I defended.
"I just-I don't get how you could have done that to our kid...was it cause you were mad at me?", Conor yelled as if he didn't even hear what I just said.
"Dude you need to chill she says she didn't mean to", Danny stepped in.
"Shut up, this doesn't concern you", Conor spat as he stood up.
"I wouldn't do ANYTHING to our kid. Why are you acting like a dick?", I asked.
"I'm not. I'm not the one who tried to kill my baby", Conor argued.
"Dude Stop!!! When they couldn't find a pulse you were blubbering on and on about how you couldn't live without her, why are you being an asshole now?", Danny tried to defend.
"Wait I died?", I asked.
"Yah. You were gone for 6 minutes. They were about to give up. Until they finally got a pulse", Danny explained.
"I saw-I saw her", I tried to find the words to string along a sentence that explained what I dreamt.
"Who?", Danny asked.
"My daughter...she was...right in front of me I held her hand. I thought it was a dream but...I saw her", I explained.
"Oh give it a rest", Conor spit.
"You know what, get the hell out. No matter of fact, I'm leaving.", I yelled as I got out of the bed.
"Sit back down before you hurt yourself and our kid again", Conor yelled.
"You know what!? I've been through hell, I've done so many bad things and you accepted all of that. So why can't you accept that I didn't want to die?", I yelled as I slammed the door behind me.
My body radiated heat as if I was a giant walking stick of anger. I explained to the doctor at the station what happened and he believed me. Eventually, I made my way to the nurse's desk to sign out and grab my belongings.
"Hey Wait!", Danny yelled from somewhere behind me.
"No", I shot back.
"Just let me give you a ride. That's all I'm asking", he offered.
"Fine", I agreed, suddenly remembering I had no way to get home.
The first 10 minutes in the car were awkward and dead silent.
"So you really didn't mean it?", Danny asked, finally breaking the silence.
"Nope", I repeated my story for the hundredth time.
"Thank god. I thought it was my fault", he added.
"How would it be your fault", I asked.
"Because when I called I knew you'd been crying, I could've made a bigger effort to help you", he confessed.
"Eh don't worry about it. It's just been a rough day.", I said.
"I'm just glad you two are ok", Danny smiled as he put his hand on my belly.
"Me too", I agreed and put a hand over his. Just then, as if some kind of signal, the baby kicked.
"What the actual fuck do you got some kind of alien super kicker in there? I felt that in my bones", Danny joked.
"No dummy, babies kick. It's natural.", I laughed.
"Natural my ass, little baby genius jr will be the bestest ass-kicking baby in the world", he said as he turned into the Starbucks parking lot.
"What are we doing here?", I asked.
"Nothing", he responded and continued driving straight into the McDonald's drive thru.
"Great! I'm starving", I smiled.
"Oh you thought we were stopping for you? Pfft.", Danny mocked.
"You're a dick", I said as I jokingly smacked him.
"I'm just kidding.", he laughed and began talking to the drive thru lady.
He knew my exact order and even threw in a Carmel frap. Even though I couldn't have a lot of coffee. After he paid for the food he drove me the rest of the way home.
He kindly walked me up to the doorstep and turned to walk back.
I grabbed his arm and asked, "hey can you stay for a while?" 
"Uh...yah I guess", he mumbled, clearly taken aback.
I unlocked the door and walked in, setting the food on the kitchen table.
"Can I ask you a question?", he said.
"Sure. Shoot." I responded.
"Why aren't your parents ever around?", he asked.
"My parents split when they found out I was pregnant. I've been living here alone ever since. I pay for the house.", I explained.
" that sucks.", he awkwardly stated.
"Yep I guess. But at least I can go to bed as early as I want without them saying I won't sleep the entire night", I laughed.
"How do you pay for all of this", he asked, gesturing around the room.
"Half Of it is stolen, the other half I bought cause I sling on the corner", I calmly said.
"What!?", he yelled.
"I'm kidding, I have a job", I laughed.
"Oh thank god...I thought I had competition, there's only room for one neighborhood drug-dealer", he mocked.
"You don't have the discipline to be a drug dealer", I giggled.
"I do to!!!", he yelled like a little kid.
In the midst of our laughing and joking about serious topics, someone knocked on the door.
"I'll get it!", Danny offered as he walked toward the door. I shot him a thumbs up and he unlocked the door.
The door swung open as it's hinges groaned. I really have to fix that door.
"What the hell are you doing here!?", I heard Conor yell.
"Dude relax, we were just eating lunch", Danny tried to explain.
Conor barreled through the door towards the kitchen.
"What the fuck!! You're not supposed to be eating any of this shit, especially this", he said as he picked up the coffee.
"It's not that bad", I shrugged.
"Not that-not that BAD!?", he yelled and threw the coffee at the wall behind me, sending a yummy Carmel substance flying everywhere.
"Get the hell out of my house!", I yelled and stood up.
"Fuck You", he yelled back.
"Dude. You heard her. Get out.", Danny tried to cut in.
"Ohhhhhh I get it now, you're leaving me for him", Conor spat.
"No!? You walked out on me and have been acting so rude lately. You literally just threw coffee at me", I argued.
"Dude just leave", Danny asked.
"Whatever. You're probably the dad anyways. For all I know, y'all have been fucking during our entire relationship!", Conor spat and slammed the door behind him.
I calmly walked towards Danny. "Was it any good?", I asked.
"Was what any good?", he seemed confused.
"The sex we've apparently been having", I mocked.
"Oh yah. Fan-fucking-tastic. Ten outta ten.", he laughed.
After everything was cleaned up, we decided to watch movies. However, I couldn't tell you which movies cause I passed out as soon as I laid on the couch. I drifted into sweet, sweet bliss.

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