Chapter 2

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The bell rang, I gathered my stuff and slung my backpack over my shoulder. I started to walk to my 7th period when my phone buzzed. Ignored it till I got to the class and set my stuff down.
It was from an unknown number, I assumed it was Conor so I added it to my contacts.
Conor: Hey
I had an easy 7th period, it was basically an open period where my teacher just read from notes. So I quickly typed out a greeting and hit send.
Today was just some stupid reading assignment. I finished it in ten minutes and started scrolling on instagram. Eventually I got bored with that so
I had a conversation with Conor.

Me: This class is so boring.
Conor: What class do you have rn?
Me: AP US History. Come save me.
Conor: Can't. In PE rn.
Me: That's so lame. Rescue me?
Conor: What do I get out of it?
Me: A happy me?
Conor: As much as I love when you're happy, no thanks.
Me: You suck. I'm gonna die of boredom and then haunt you.
Conor: I know I'm like your night in shining armor and all but your class is too far.
Me: YOU ARE NOT!! And you used the wrong "knight"
Conor: You know you like me
Me: I do not
Conor: Who doesn't like a giant teddy bear?
Me: I seriously hate you lol
Conor: Wanna see a picture of me without a shirt?

The bell rang and I just laughed and grabbed my stuff. I bounced my way down the stairs to meet up with my friends. It's a 1.9 mile walk home but it's better to walk with friends. A little while later my phone buzzed.
Conor: Hey
Me: What ever do you need my dumbass in shinning armor?
Conor: Your love and affection but don't see that happening since you're bitter
Me: you make me bitter!

I shoved my phone back in my pocket and shook my head. I never got a reply so I figured he fell asleep. His favorite hobby was sleeping.
I got home about an hour later. Nobody was home. I didn't have any homework so I fired up Call Of Duty Black Ops III. I grabbed my phone and dialed Conor's number. He picked up on the third ring.
Conor: WHAAAAT do you want from me?
Me: your love and affection but doubt that's gonna happen cause you're bitter
Conor: you make me bitter
Me: I'm bored!!! Play with me
Conor: As happily sexual as that sounds I'm gonna have to pass I'm asleep
Me: fine you pussy, looks like someone's afraid of loosing to a girl
Conor: you barely pass as a girl
Me: and you barely pass your classes, your point is?
Conor: I hate you
Me: back at you pal. My parents just got home. I'll talk to you later. Go get your beauty sleep, Lord knows you need it.
Conor: fuck you
Me: tempting...

I never would have thought a few taunting conversations would lead to a friendship I'd never want to give up. Eventually we became really close. He became my best friend.
I broke up with my boyfriend, who I had only been dating for a few months. He was too clingy and he lived in New Jersey where I used to live. I moved back home to Las Vegas, Nevada after being in Jersey for 4 and a half months.
I called Conor to complain about him and told him we broke up.
After I hung up I was laying in bed thinking about fun times with Conor. And our conversations about everything. I loved the person he was when he opened up.
I jerked up and shouted, "OH MY GOD I HAVE A CRUSH ON CONOR MADISON"
"What was that?!", my mom yelled from the kitchen.
"Nothing!!", I quickly yelled back.

Oh god I've become the cliché nerd that falls for the dopey football player she tutors.

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