Chapter 13

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"What?", I couldn't believe my ears.
"I think I'm in love with you", he repeated.
"Oh...", I didn't want to say it back. I didn't know what to say.
"Look before when I told you I loved you, it was because I wanted to get in your pants. But now I realized I loved you the whole time", he confessed.
"Um..I don't know how that's supposed to make me feel", I took my daughter from his arms.
"Just think about it. I've messed with a lot of girls and I mean a lot. I've been an asshole to everyone of them. So why is it that I kept coming back to you?", he began to explain.
"Mmmmm to torture me?", I laughed as I set Delilah in her crib.
"No I'm being serious. I ditched everyone in my life several several times but I never ditched you", he shut the door of the nursery before sitting on the couch in the living room.
"Right, so you could make my life hell", I sarcastically mumbled as I took a seat next to him.
"Yah...I'm sorry about that", he winced.
I put a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry about it, it's in the past. Just don't go being an ass again."
"Will do", he whispered as he mashed our lips together.
I slid my hand from his shoulder to the back of his head as I intertwined my fingers with his hair. He ran his hands down my back as he pulled my body towards his. I used my free hand to unbutton his jeans.
"Woah woah!!", he yelled as he shoved my hand away from his pants.
"What?", I asked.
"Look, I dont wanna make it seem like all I want you for is sex", he confided.
"Yep got it", I mumbled and kissed him again.
"Stop", he said as he pushed me back.
"Ok damn", I stood up and walked into the kitchen.
"Sorry it's just, I wanna do this right", he murmured as he put his hand on his neck and looked at his feet.
"Do what right", I questioned.
"Our relationship", he shrugged.
"Woah Danny! Look I've liked you for a while, but I've god a kid to worry about right now. I don't want to get in another relationship right off the bat", I confessed.
"Come on Tay, you can't tell me that we didn't just have a moment", he took my hands in his.
"Whether we did or not I stand by what I just said", I pulled my hands free.
"Oh..I get it. You wanted to get back at me. I led you on so you did the same", he rambled as he backed away from me.
"No that's not-", I began to explain.
"Just don't", he threw his hands in the air and grabbed his jacket off the couch. He threw it on and walked out the front door. I heard his car start and drift out of the drive way.
"Why do I insist on picking the drama queens!?", I yelled at myself.
So what if we had "a moment". Like I was ever gonna trust that man again with my heart. I grabbed my phone off the kitchen counter and started making a fresh pot of coffee.
As if some kind of bat signal, my best friend texted.
Dev: You ok?
I didn't hesitate to text back.
Me: Not really
Dev: Why what's wrong??
Me: Why are all guys inconsiderate?
Dev: Wow hurtful.
I laughed, knowing that he was only joking. I replied while pouring the coffee blindly into the mug I had just taken out of the cupboard.
Me: Besides you obviously
Dev: Mhmm sure. Why do you say that?
Me: So I may or may not have just slept with Danny
Dev: Danny!? As in THE Danny?? Mr.You'll never be good enough for me, Danny?
Me: That'd be the one
Dev: Ooooh you best spill
Me: So not the point rn. After we did it Conor showed up
Dev: Does he know!?
Me: He has to!! I answered the door only wearing Danny's shirt.
Dev: Hmm convenient
Me: It was. Anyways he insisted on seeing Delilah. Danny and him got in a fight. He stormed out. Danny confessed his undying love for me. And when I basically said that we weren't in a relationship, he flipped and ran out.
Dev: I'm on my way

Ten minutes later Devon showed up. I unlocked the front door before he even knocked.
"So what happened!!", he exclaimed as he walked through the door.
"Danny must've thought that me sleeping with him made us a thing", I shrugged.
"And do you wanna be", he asked.
"No. Yes. I don't know", I began questioning my sanity.
"You lowkey do don't you?", he laughed.
"Maybe. All I know is that I don't trust him anymore", I got out a second mug and poured a second cup.
"Was it good", he bluntly asked.
"Was what", I played dumb, hoping he wouldn't continue that subject.
"The sex. Was he big?", he interrogated
"Pffttttt.", I laughed/spit out my coffee.
"Im being serious", he teased.
"Yes and yes", I shrugged.
"Like 'oh god yes' big or 'can't take it' big?", he was always way too damn honest, it's one thing I loved about him.
"Guess you'll never know", I said feeling my cheeks get warm.
"Ooooh I saw that blush it was 'oh god yes' big!!!", he laughed and clapped his hands.
"This is so not the point", I playfully smacked his arm.
Just then someone knocked on the door.
"What nowwwwww", I whined.
"Girl I got it", Devon offered.
I took this as the time to go check in on Delilah. As I walked into the nursery I heard Devon open the door. Delilah was already awake but not fussy. I decided I'd pick her up anyways and see if her diaper needed changing. Which it did, but it wasn't too bad. As I finished putting on her tiny little newborn onesie, I heard shouting coming from the living room.
"Where is she!!", a familiar voice yelled.
"Um Mcxcuse me bitch do not yell at me like that", Devon shouted back.
I came around the corner and it was Danny standing in the doorway. He looked pissed.
"Is this what you do!? Fuck a new guy every time your old one leaves", Danny roared.
"What? No? First off he just got here and second-", I began to say.
"And second bitch I'm gayer than Ellen", Devon said finishing my sentence.
"Oh...sorry", Danny apologized.
"Ya damn right you're sorry", Devon yelled, "shouting at me line that bitch please."
"Dev it's ok", I stepped between the two.
"Can I talk to her alone?", Danny asked.
"Sure but I hope you know I'll be listening in from the next room", he teased and gave me a high five.
"Will you give me a chance", he asked as he took Delilah from my arms.
"That was quick and I swear to god if you take my child out of my arms one more damn time imma slap you", I spat as I took Delilah back.
"Sorry..I was just trying to help", he winced at how cold I sounded.
"I really don't care what you were trying to do", I rolled my eyes.
"I just wanted to ask if you could give me a chance. I've changed. Please be with me!", Danny asked again.
I thought about it for a second. I thought about how great he had been treating me. How he was there for me when Conor walked out. I don't think I could've done it without Danny. But then again what about all the shit he's put me through. I went back and forth in my mind before coming up with what I believed was the right decision...

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