Chapter 5

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I shoved the pink and white stick under my PT gear as I got ready for school the next morning. I slung my PT bag over my shoulder, grabbed my 50lbs backpack, and headed out the door. I can't feel a thing, so many questions and concerns swarmed through my mind. Before I knew it, my mom's black and white suburban pulled up to the curb in front of my school. The door is broken so it took me a few tries before I eventually managed to get it to creak open.
I bounced up the stairs, taking two at a time. I didn't even bother to return the "goodmorning"s and waves from my friends. When I reached the top of the stairs, Conor was walking with some of his friends. It was like he knew I was trying to catch up with him because at that moment, he looked behind him, mumbled a goodbye to whomever he was talking to, and walked over to me. I didn't even pull him aside before I whipped the test out and shoved it in his hand.
We stood in the middle of the hall, in complete silence, until he finally looked at me and asked, "So what does this mean?"
"It means that I' pregnant", I barely managed to choke out.
"Oh...", he mumbled.
"What are you thinking?", I ask as I take his hand in mine.
"I don't even know", he responded.
"Are you ok?", I asked nervously.
"I don't know", he mumbled robotically.
We began to slowly walk. Step by step. It felt like walking through molasses in the middle of December. Every step felt as if weights were tying me down. It was hard to breathe, it felt like a million pound elephant sitting on my chest.
"So?", Connor said, finally breaking the silence.
"I don't even know", I responded.
The bell rang, saving me from this painfully awkward moment in time. I sat in the back, today, I wasn't even paying the slightest bit of attention. The period flew by in a blur. Next period was ROTC, which means I have to PT. PT is physical training, where I run a mile, complete push ups in cadence as well as sit-ups. Today we had to run a mile and a half. It was 30 degrees outside and I wasn't wearing anything but my uniform, which consisted of sweatpants and a bright yellow Navy T-shirt. I ran the mile and a half and began talking to my PC.
"Congrats! I'm here for you if you ever need me", Nat cheers.
"It's not good", I mumble.
"Why!?", she questions.
"How am I gonna do this? What if he doesn't want to? What about my parents!?", I burst out.
One of my cadets Recruit Gardle overheard. He was like my little brother even though he was actually older than me.
"Wait what's going on?", he asked.
"If I tell you, you can't say anything", I replied. He nodded in agreement and gestured for me to continue.
"Well I may be pregnant. The test I took is positive", I confess.
"Is it Conor's?", he blurts.
"Yes it's fucking Conor's!! Who's else would it be?", I say defensively.
"I don't know, just wondering.", he says sympathetically.
"Honestly it's probably wrong and everything's fine", I spew, low key trying to convince myself more than them.
I changed out and waited for the bell to ring. I quickly dismissed the platoon and darted out the doors. Conor was waiting for me, I grabbed his hand and we slowly walked in the direction of my class.
"What are we gonna do?", he asked.
"I'm not sure", I mumble.
"How can this even-", he began to say.
"I don't know. All I know is that this is what happened and now we have to deal with it", I shout just a little to angrily.
"Are you gonna leave me to be a single dad?", Conor sincerely asked.
"No, never", I said as I shook my head.
Our future. My body. Our lives. Completely overthrown. We're only two 15 year olds who have been together for a little under 5 months. Now we are about to be parents in 9-10 months. What's that have to say about me and my judgement. I wish my parents would see this as a mistake I've made but see that I'm taking responsibility and accepting the consequences. Instead they'll view me as a stupid teenage disappointment. I was supposed to be the smart one in the family. Now I've gone and ruined everything I've ever worked hard for. I ruined my chances of ever being something in life....


**These are actually true events that happened quite recently. Oh, how quickly life can be turned upside down**

*please message me for info about my Instagram, where you can stay updated on stories, view other stories, share stories, and see stories that have never been posted*

*if you like this story, feel free to comment on and share the story with friends. Stay tuned for the next step in a wildly inconvenient journey two teens have the unfortunate luck to have to deal with*

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