Chapter 4

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The annoying beeping of my alarm wakes me from one of the greatest dreams. I roll over and plant a kiss on Conor's forehead.
"Come on babe, time to get up", I yawned.
"Nooooooo 5 more minutes", he says as he wraps his arms around my waist and drags me back to the bed.
"I swear being with you is like raising a child", I say as I roll my eyes.
"You love me", he mumbles with a bit of an evil laugh.
I eventually get free from him and start to get dressed. Stepping over him, blankets, pillows, and our dog Mama, I finally find my glasses. Mama raises her head a little and looks around, I gently pat her head and tell her to go back to sleep. Mama is a huge, 100 pound brown pit bull who seems to think she's the size of a chihuahua.
"Babe time to go, I don't wanna be late", I say as I checked the time again.
"Fine!!!", he whines as he reaches for his shoes and starts out the door.
"Baby!!! You're forgetting something", I laugh.
"What?", he says as he cocks an eyebrow.
"Don't forget a shirt. It's cold out there.", I yell as I throw him his shirt and hop over the baby gate.
I yell a good bye to Mama and the girls and climb into the car.
5:49. I was gonna be home early.
"When are your parents finally gonna let you stay longer?", Conor asks.
"When you finally get a sex change", I mumbled as I rolled my eyes.
"Ha...Ha...Ha", he mimicked sarcastically.
Little did he know, when I got home I was going to take a pregnancy test because I was a week late. I impatiently tapped my foot as I waited to be dropped off. He walked me to the front door, said hi to my family, and left. I went straight to my sisters room. She gave me a test and I snuck it into the bathroom. Easy enough, you just pee on a stick and if it's one line then you're NOT pregnant.
I took it back into my room after and waited 5 minutes even though you only had to wait 2. I peeked at the stick as I held my line...and one more...
My heart skipped a beat, this was just my luck. He's the first person I've been with and I was positive everything was gonna last and now I'm literally looking at a fucking positive. A million miles of questions ran through my head but only one stood out. How am I gonna tell my parents?

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