Chapter 20

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   Here I was sitting in the doctors office waiting for my std test results. I felt like I had to shit but I was still eager to know what was going on with my body. It felt like I been waiting forever in the room and the room was so cold it sent chill bumps down my spine. My toes became numb and I couldn't feel my feet either. My forehead began to break out in sweat and I instantly started to feel weak on my insides. Right when Dr.Green open the door I threw up every where and I couldn't stop the vomit from coming so I just let it all flow. I was so embarrassed when it finally stopped and she was so nonchalant to the fact that I had just decorated her floor with my Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. She called for a nurse to clean it up and to get me clean shirt from the front desk. The nurse quickly return with an oversized T-shirt that had a smiley face on it along with the name of the doctor office and location. After changing into the shirt I waited for Dr.Green to return again.
   She came in with a little aspirin and a cup of water along with her clip board. "Okay how you feeling honey" she asked sitting in her chair and handing me the cup and aspirin. I shot her look to show her I wasn't in the mood and to hurry with my results. "Well unfortunately Milan you have herpes. Now don't freak out it's not the end of the world you can still live a normal healthy life and they have medicine for it although there is no cure" she say looking at the paper. I felt so numb at the news I received that I couldn't even move and I didn't hear anything else after that. I grabbed my things to leave and text Kandis to meet me somewhere to talk.
     After trying to get in contact with her for hours she finally responded to my text and she told me to meet her at this hole in the wall that I never heard about. She was being so discreet about everything like she had her own crazy shit going on. When I arrived I didn't see her until she waved her hand and there she was sitting far in the back with shades on as if it wasn't enough shade as it was in the old bar. When I got to the small round table she sat at she told the bartender to bring two Long Island ice teas to the table for us. "Well hello mystery girl" she said as I sat down. I wasn't in the mood to play nice so I just looked at her as if I expected her to know what was wrong. "So I went to the doctor and had a std test done" I said still feeling uneasy about it. "And"... "And you found out you got herpes" she said cutting me off with a straight face. "Look I've been married to Bunz for a long time hell he brought it home to me from a woman he used to deal with on the regular. I took a beaten for that woman because he thought I was out sleeping around but it was him who brought it home to me." She explained to me. "Listen it's about time you know the truth about a lot of shit but can't nobody know I was the one who told you" she said almost whispering to me. I nodded to let her know she had my word. "Bunz used to mess around with this women about six years ago and he really cared for her. He would take care of her and her daughter as well but when he found out about his status he flipped completely and before I knew it the whole hood was saying Rest In Peace to this woman." She stopped talking and stared at her drink for a while.  " I'm sorry I still don't understand what this has to do with me" I asked completely confused still. "Honey that woman was name Keisha". She said but never looked up from her drink. I felt so speechless I couldn't say nothing. My heart began to ache and my tears began to fall before I knew it I was flipping over the small table on Kandis. I couldn't stop tears from flowing or the pain from hurting me, all I could ask is how could he take my mama from me. Kandis ran into me with her arms spreaded around me holding me saying I'm sorry I'm so sorry baby girl I didn't know why he gave you so much money until after you was long gone. She cried real tears along with me while holding me tight asking me to please forgive her. When I felt calm enough I finally asked her why did he have to give it to me though I'm sixteen. "What comes around goes around baby girl it's a fucked up world" she said shaking her head. "I gotta go this is too much for me to deal with right now. She pulled my hand stopping me and said "he promised me he didn't kill her his self but he did put a hit out on her and someone very close to him took care of the Job". I pulled my hands away and walked out of the bar I just wasn't ready to hear anything else. I know  Bunz was a big dealer but he fucked with the wrong bitch if he thought he was gonna get away with this shit. Fuck getting justice I was coming for blood his blood and whoever else blood that had something to do with it even if I had to get my own hands dirty.
   When I got home I went straight upstairs to my Nana's safe where she kept her pistol for years along with the bullets. I grabbed it and tucked it in the back of my jeans and went into my room. I thought about calling Tia to talk since it had been a minute since we talked anyway. I sent her the emergency text that we needed to talk and she immediately responded as if she felt something was wrong. So later that night she called me and I filled her in on everything and she was so surprised at the fact that I actually had a three some for money. When I finally told her I had herpes she was silent on the phone for a while then she finally said "thats fucked I'll be at your house first thing in the morning so we can figure out how to teach this Bunz nigga a lesson". We got off the phone and lay in the bed still fully clothed but no matter how much I tried to rest I just couldn't sleep. There was this fire in my stomach and I couldn't stop thinking about how bad I wanted to kill him shit how bad I HAD to kill him and Kandis said she would help me.

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