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It was a normal day at Aoba Johsai high school. Everything went fine, you went to the gym at the morning to practice volleyball, you got some lunch, and got a good grade at math today. After school you always had a volleyball club at the gym...So you went there after your last class like always.
   "Hi (Name)~Senpai!" One of your teammates called out to you while coming into the gym and getting a ball to practice with. "Hi Mari~Chan!" I replied with a smile while stopping practicing my serves. Mari~Chan is the 1st years Her talent is a lot to take in...she has probably the best jumps and blocks around our team, and has great sense of analyzing people and annoying them just like me. No one can handle our sassiness when it comes to comebacks, so we grown together and we are almost like sisters. "Mari~Chan! Want to practice your blocks while I work on my spike?" I asked while she finished warming up. "Sure (Name)~Senpai!"
   After some time passed more of our teammates came and we practiced by doing some matches. But after 2 matches we stopped to drink some water, anddd guess what? The gym was so full of our teammates, and were practicing so hard that me and Mari~Chan just couldn't do anything.
  After some time passed me and Mari~Chan agreed to go the guy's gym. I never really went there..cause I didn't need to..I mean what am I going to do there? Watch the guys taking their shirts off and drinking water? Which Mari~Chan did a lot of, once she told me she had a crush on this Iwa~Chan dude, their ace. SOOOOOO WE MIGHT EVEN MAKE THE SHIP SAIL ALL THE WAY IF WE ARE GOING THERE YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN?! 😏
   After we walked in the hallway where all fangirls were, we came in and saw the guys playing. I could see right away who was a setter and who was an ace. OooooOoo Mari~Chan likes aggressive guys I see, I looked at Mari~Chan with a sly smirk while she blushed. Mari~Chan stood quietly and told me to ask them loudly and proudly if we can play here because I'm the captain of the team (and because she will never do that in front of her crush). "EXCUSE ME WHO IS THE CAPTAIN OF BOY'S VOLLEYBALL TEAM?" I said while putting my hands on my hips in a sassy tone.
  "Right here!" A guy said smiling brightly.

The real World (Oikawa x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ