Funny joke

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After that little chat about the childhood friend, I actually couldn't forget what Oikawa told me..."Heh so you are into nerds? Never knew..." Oikawa started bothering me a lot at my practices, and that means fangirls next to our gym almost everyday. I actually had to slap Oikawa~Kun once or twice for bringing them there, but all I got from him is "WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN (NAME)~CHAN!" Or "OW THAT HURTS (NAME)~CHAN"
  After I came into my classroom I sat down thinking the next move when Oikawa comes up to me when I'm practicing with his fangirls. Then I heard a loud screech "OMG ITS OIKAWA~SENPAI! LOOK! HE IS KISSING SOMEONE!!!" Oh my god.....what in the name of god is going on out in the hallways again? I put my books down on my desk and walk out to see what in the name of holy hot anime guys and noodles are everyone screeching about so much. Then I froze. My knees got week. W-what did I expect from Oikawa? Nothing less then that, that's for sure. He was in the hallway kissing another girl, looks like a second year to me. Very pretty....I feel like I saw her somewhere before. Blond hair, blue eyes, short skirt, heels. Even if I was a guy I would probably have a crush on that chick...but obviously only for her looks, inside she was totally trash, even trashier then Oikawa himself. While I was zoomed out on how they were kissing and holding hands "Iwa~Chan" How Oikawa calls him came up to me. We actually got along pretty well, both of us knew how to beat up Oikawa~Kun so we were cool.
  "You okay (Last Name)~Chan?" He asked, as I jumped a little and smiled awkwardly. "Yeah why?" Did it seem that I was jealous or something? "I just thought you had a crush on Oikawa, that's all" he answered. Me? A crush on Oikawa? I couldn't help but burst out laughing in the hallway, everyone looked at me, even Oikawa and the girl he was kissing. But I didn't really mind, I got that attention all the time and learned how to ignore it. I patted Iwa~Chan's back with a smile. "Ha! Funny joke dude...not in a million years" and went back to my seat. Still kinda laughting about the part where I, I! The (Name) (Last Name) have a crush on Trash.
  Oikawa's point of view
(Name)~Chan was there...did she see me kissing Lass~Chan? Who did she laugh at? W-why did she laugh? She practically never laughs at my jokes....I stared at Iwa~Chan with a worried look. D-don't tell me Iwa~Chan is in love. Don't tell me they both love each other, I will never except that. I let go of Lass and grab Iwa's wrist and shove him into boy's gym room. I could feel myself getting mad by the minute I breath. I slammed Iwa against the wall and took him the his shirt. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TO (NAME)~CHAN!" I yelled on the hole gym room. Iwa stared at me. silence. "Why do you need to know...?" A soft quiet sentence escaped from his mouth. Why...? That's a good question. Why do I need to know? I'm practically no one to (Name)~Chan.
  "I LOVE HER AND I WANT TO BE WITH HER! THATS WHY!!" I yelled in his face with rage boiling in my vains. Why?! WHY?! "Doesn't seem like it, if you loved her you wouldn't kiss another girl..." I let go off him, silently I knew he was right. I opened the door and went back to my class passing (Name)'s classroom. I saw her laughting with bunch of guys, I wasn't sure if I should go up to her..but I still didn't get an answer from Iwa~Chan what he is exactly with (Name).
  What if they are a couple? Why am I even thinking like this? Why did I even kiss Less~Chan? Didn't I promise myself not to give up on the princess? So many questions went through my mind but then I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. Who is it this time....?

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