The King and The Princess

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So this is the guy who makes the hole school go wild huh? I bowed down. "Excuse me can we please play a match here?"
He seemed surprised, why? "Hey are you the girl's volleyball team captain?" He asked. "Well yes I am!" I said while smiling, reaching for a handshake. "(Name) (Last Name), nice to meet you." He shook my hand with a smile. "Oikawa Tooru" I could feel from every inch of my body that this probably the scariest player I ever met. I hate him. Such a bad captain. Acts like he is all cool around this's dumb. "How about we set a match then? GUYS DEVIDE INTO TEAMS!" He told the guys loudly while clapping his hands. Mari and I looked at each other.
"They don't know right?" Mari grinned
"Not at all" I replied and high five her.
"The Deadly Match begins" we told each other while going into our teams. Obviously I wasn't on the captain's team because I obviously wanted to show him, that I can be a threat, I mean who does he think he is? My team went first, Mari wasn't on my team cause she loved to play against me. I did a serve, a perfect one also. A jump serve, a perfect hit, perfect angle, perfect landing. Oikawa tried to receive it but totally failed which let the hole two teams in shock, well except Mari~Chan of course. People told me Oikawa's jump serve and mine are the same, only mine is a little bit...overboard. I can hit as hard as giving someone broken fingers if they receive it wrong at least. After couple of points Oikawa's team got to serve..I received it just barely but we could still set it up for a spike. FOR MY LUCK, the Ace was on my team so, we earned another point.
Time Skip
My team won the game. OBVIOUSLY. But I gotta admit..the king is pretty hard to beat. After the match finished I went to grab my water bottle that I left on the bench. But I then I heard a loud scream "IWA~CHAN YOU'RE SO MEANNN!!" From Oikawa~Senpai...YES HE IS SENPAI! Tho I'm not gonna admit it to him. The brunette ran up to me with a huge smile on his face. "HEY (Name) CHAN! Do you want to go get some icecream with Iwa~Chan and me?" He asked while jumping up and down happily. He was pretty cute when he was happy that's for sure. He reminded me of a puppy. "Hey (Last name)~Chan! Hello? Earth to you!"
I jumped up a little and scratched the back of my head, "Y-yeah of course, sorry for zooming out like that." He chuckled and winked at me "Its Fine~" I could feel my face burning up. FUCK FUCK FUCK. I turned away, spilled some water on myself to cool myself down, and turned back to him smiling. "Sorry had to fresh up a little..." Oikawa looked at me confused a little. "Hey Trash. I can't get some ice cream today sorry." The ace yelled while leaving the gym.
"I guess we are going alone then..." He said while having a light blush of pink turning on his cheeks and nose. Mari~Chan was still in the gym, but I could feel her smirking from all the way across. When I started packing up to go with Oikawa. Mari~Chan passed me while walking out of the gym and said pretty loudly with a smirk

"And this is when the Princess and the King finally meet."

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