Chapter 1

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Made For You

Chapter 1

1 Month

"Thanks for watching! New videos every Friday! Be sure to give this video a huge thumbs up! I'll see you guys next week! Muah" I blew a quick kiss to the camera before turning it off. I quickly headed downstairs and left in my car, on my way to the mall. I blasted the foo fighters and sang along as I drove.

And I wonder,

When I sing along with you,

If everything could ever feel this real forever,

If anything could ever be this good again.

The only thing I'll ever ask of you

You gotta promise not to stop when I say when

As soon as I parked, I got down and walked to the food court. I saw a familiar face and approached her. As soon as I started walking towards her she noticed it was me.

"Mia!" She shrieked, walking towards me. I embraced her into a hug.

"Sorry I'm late! Had to film."

"It's okay, you wanna eat first?" She asks.

"Sure." I chose Panda Express, and Andrea chose Taco Bell. We got our food and sat down.

"So how've you been?" I ask.

"Great, and you?"

"Good as well. How's you and Kian?"

"I really love him. I know we've been only going out for a couple months but I can really see a future with him."

"Aw. That's so sweet. I'm really happy for you." I smile.

"Thanks, and what about you?" She asks.

"What do you mean?" I frown.

"What's going on in your life? You know.. guy wise." She wiggled her eyebrows.

I laughed. "Andrea, I haven't had a boyfriend since I was 16." I chuckled.

"Which is exactly why you need a new bae! You need to start dating!" She exclaims.

"Oh God Andrea please don't say the word bae again." We both laughed.

"Fair enough. So, how's your apartment?" She asks.

"Good, lonely," I sigh, "I mean I do love having my own apartment, but it does get boring." I suddenly had an idea. I smiled really big.

"What?" Andrea said, confused.

"I. Have. An. Idea." I say.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Come live with me in LA!" I exclaim.

"What?!" She says, shocked.

"Yes! I've been wanting a roommate and I bet you hate being so far from Kian so why not?" I say. She hesitates before answering.

"I don't know. I'd miss my family so much in Indiana." She says.

"I know, but you've been wanting to move here for so long. It may seem hard at first, but you can visit them too, it's not like you'll never see them." I explain.

"Hm, I really do love LA..." She says.


"And I do miss Kian lots..." She goes on.

"Yes..." I repeat.

"And it would be so amazing to have you as my roommate.." She continues.

"Great! So you're my new roommate!" I say, standing up. She gets up as well.

"Yes! Yes I am!" She says.


"Yes! We're gonna be roommates!" We shriek for a bit before realizing that everyone was staring at us.

"We should probably go shopping now." She chuckles.

"Yeah, let's go." I laugh.

We decided that Andrea should move in after Digi Fest LA, which was a month from now. Her parents knew that she would be moving out soon, so they were really understanding about it. We thought that we should do a ustream to announce the news, so we headed back to my place. When we got to my house I instantly tweeted,

'Ustream in 5 minutes! Great news!'

I got my laptop and set it up. In a couple minutes we were live.

"Hey everyone!" I greeted. "Andrea is with me right now." She popped into the camera.

"Hey guys!" She waved.

"So, as you can tell by my recent tweet, I have some great news!" I said. I turned to Andrea.

"On 3." I said. "1..2..3!"

"We're gonna be roommates!" We both cheered. The comments started going crazy.

"We're just as excited as you guys are." I chuckled as I read the comments.

"Andrea will be moving in after Digifest LA, which I suggest that everyone come! We'll both be there! There's tickets still available!" We stay on the ustream for another half hour before logging off.

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