Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The Fault in Our Lives

Have you ever read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green? If not, you are seriously missing out. That book could make me cry inside and out. I was in my room, reading it for the 7th time. I was just so obsessed with the book, just like Hazel was, with An Imperial Affliction. (Tfios reference) I was at the part where Augustus Waters was declaring his love for Hazel Grace Lancaster. "..and I am in love with you." I smiled as I read. You see, I forcefully tell myself to believe that there will never be any guy like Augustus Waters, because Augustus Waters is not real. But honestly, inside, I do think that Augustus Waters is real, and that's what gives me hope. Everyone needs hope, right?

"Again, Mia?" I heard someone say. I looked up, to see Luke standing there.

"I just can't stop reading it." I say.

"Well it must be a good book." He says.

"It is. You should read it." I say.

"I don't usually read, but, for you.. Why not?" He smiles.

"Here, you can borrow mine." I hand it to him.

"But this is like your baby." He says, pretending to cradle it.

"It is, so I better not see any stains, rips, tears, marks, nothing." I say sternly. I was serious about keeping my books clean.

"Yes mam!" He said. He hopped onto my bed, laying beside me.

"So what should we do today?" He asks.

"Not sure. I'm really tired today so I don't really wanna go anywhere."

I say, pulling the blankets closer to me.

"Why are you so tired? It's almost 3 in the afternoon."

"Skype." I say.

"With whom?" He asks.

"Cam." I say quickly. I could feel him tense up.

"I don't like him." He says. I turned to face him.

"Why not?" I ask. Hopefully I would finally get my answer as to why he disliked Cam so much.

"Because he just seems like a dick." He says.

"Well he's not." I defend.

He sighed. "Let's go downstairs and watch something. I'll make you something for lunch." He said, changing the subject. I decided to let it go until next time. I followed him downstairs, bringing my blanket with me. I plopped myself on the couch, cuddling myself with my blanket as Luke went to the kitchen to make something. I decided to watch Stuck In Love on Netflix. I had watched it before but it was one of my favorite movies so I decided to watch it again. I seemed like a hopeless romantic, watching Romance movies and reading teenage love stories. What a cliche move of a typical teenager. But hey, I can't help it. I'm a girl, and girls deserve to feel like they need a little romance in their lives.

Luke came back with 2 bowls, giving me one.

I laughed at the cereal he gave me.

"What? Cereal is the only thing I can make." He pouts.

"As long as you tried" I smiled.

For the rest of the day, Luke and I just hung out at my house. Andrea was over at Kian's again so we had the whole house to ourselves. He left around 10, which was the time that Andrea came back.

"Have fun?" I asked as she walked in.

"Yes mom." She chuckled. "So what did you do all day?" She asks

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