Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Falling into Place

"Luke!" I instantly embraced him. When I let go I faced him.

"I can't believe we finally get to meet in person." He smiled.

"Me too. But why did you have to kidnap me into a closet?" I chuckled. He laughed.

"I had to make a first impression. Now we can look back and say that the first time we met was in a closet." He said. I laughed. I stared into his eyes. He was more gorgeous in person.

"When did you get here?" I ask.

"Right when you went onstage." He said.

"How did I do?" I ask.

"You did perfect." He smiled.

I was going to say something when I heard the next announcer call out the Janoskians.

"I think you're supposed to be on stage Luke." I chuckled.

"Right. We'll hangout after. I'll see you later." He gave me a quick hug before leaving the closet. I stepped out a few seconds after him and went to go watch him perform from the second floor. I watched as they brought a fan up to play "The Brooks Brothers Game." In the end, the girl got a kiss on the lips from Luke. I could feel my cheeks getting hot. I was so jealous, even though Luke wasn't mine in the first place. When they were done, another performance came out to do their skit. I was sitting down on the couch when I saw Luke and the rest of the Janoskians coming towards me. I sat up and greeted him.

"You guys did really great." I smiled.

"Aw Thanks. Mia, these are my brothers, Jai and Beau. And my best friends Skip and James, which are basically my brothers as well." Luke introduced. I greeted all of them. "So this is the girl you've been talking nonstop for the past weeks." Beau says. I instantly turned red, but luckily it was too dim in there for anyone to see. Luke just face palmed, and I couldn't help but smile at how cute he looked embarrassed. I started having a conversation with the boys when someone snuck up behind me and tickled me.

"Ah!" I jumped. I turned around and saw Cameron there laughing.

"A simple hi would've been nice." I said.

"Hi Mia." He smiled. We hugged and I introduced him to the boys.

"Cam these are the Janoskians. Luke, Jai, Beau, Daniel, and James."

"Oh yeah I've seen some of your videos before. You guys do some crazy stuff." He laughed.

"We try." Beau smiles.

"Well I just came to say hi. I'll see ya later Mia. It was nice to meet you guys." We waved Cam goodbye and went back to talking to each other.

"So what are your plans to do while your visiting LA?" I ask. They all look at each other and chuckle.

"What?" I say, looking confused.

"Luke never told you?" Jai says. I shook my head.

"We live here." James says. I look at Luke.

"I thought that you already knew!" He says.

"If I did we probably would've met up earlier!" I say.

"Sorry, should've cleared it up." He said.

"It's okay, no biggie. I just thought you guys lived in Melbourne still."

"We moved here about 6 months ago. It's really nice here." Skip says.

"I'm glad you're loving LA." I smile.

"So are you doing anything tomorrow?" Luke asks.

"I don't think so. Got anything in mind?" I ask.

"We're going to six flags tomorrow. Care to join?"

"Sure, I love six flags." I smile.

"Great. We'll pick you up at 10."

Me and the boys talk for the rest of the night. After the show we went outside and talked to some of the fans at the show. By the time we were done it was almost 2 in the morning. We all said our goodbyes and left our separate ways.

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