Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

At the Door

"Chicken!" Skip yells. We were all in the pool, aside from Luke. He was gone again. Jai told me he was with Acacia... again. I've forced myself to not be bothered by it. Luke can hang out with whoever he wants, I have no power over that.

"Alright teams will be Jai and Mia vs Beau and Skip. I'll be ref." James says.

I got on top of Jai and balanced myself as Beau got on top of Skip.

"Alright bitches I want a clean fight. Just kidding I want you all to fuck each other up. Ready, set, go!"

I try to push Beau off of Skip as hard as I could when Beau kept tickling me.

"Beau that's cheating!" I cry, laughing in the process.

"There's no rule against it!" He kept tickling me when I couldn't take it anymore. I fell backwards and into the water.

"Beau and Skip wins!" James yells.

"Cheaters!" Jai exclaimed.

"You're just mad!" Beau calls out.

"Alright switch positions now!" James says.

"I'm too heavy for Mia!" Jai says.

"I can carry you Jai" I chuckle.

"You'll snap in half!"

"I'll manage" he hesitantly gets on top of me and surprisingly he's lighter than I thought.

Skip gets on top of Beau and James counts down.

"3, 2, 1, GO" Jai and Skip try as hard as they can to push each other off but Jai ends up loosing his balance and falls off.

"Woooooo!!!" Skip and Beau cheers.


"Boooo!" I say.

"We're the real winners." Jai whispers. I laugh and nod, agreeing with him. After messing around the pool we all head into the house and just relax. Skip and Beau played FIFA while Me, Jai, and James sat on the couch. I was scrolling on my twitter feed, seeing what everyone was up to.

"Let's take a picture." Jai says.

"Okay" he pulls out his phone, and pulls out the camera app. We moved closer to each other to both fit into the picture. I leaned my head on Jai's shoulder and smiled.

"Aw look how cute we are." I laugh at his comment then go back to checking my newsfeed on twitter. A few moments later I got a notification.

'JaiBrooks1: with @miasalvatore :)' attached was the picture we just took.

I retweeted it and faced Jai. "Now it's my turn to take a picture of us." I pull out the camera app and this time we both make funny faces. I posted it on twitter with the caption, 'with @jaibrooks1 ;D'

I suddenly got another notification.

'James_Yammouni:how come no ones taking selfies with me? ): @jaibrooks1 @miasalvatore'

I looked over at James and he made a pouty face. I laughed, "Come here James." He instantly lit up and we all took a picture together.

"You can have the honor of posting it" I said.

"It would be my pleasure." James said in the most fanciest accent.

'Got my selfie!!' he captioned it. I smiled before retweeting it.

It was around 9PM and we just finished up watching 21 Jump Street. I got up from the couch, "I'm gonna head home now" I got all my stuff, said goodbye to all of the boys, and headed to the door. Right when I was about to turn the handle Luke burst in,

With Acacia.

"Oh hey Mia" he smiled.

"Hey" I said softly.

"Oh hey Mia!!!" Acacia said too happily, smiling. I knew it was fake. I just waved.

"Are you leaving?" Luke said.

"Yep. See ya." I quickly left before Luke could say anything else. Was I being replaced?

"Ready?" Andrea says. The boys decided to have a party tonight, so Andrea and I were getting ready.

"Yep." I wore a simple black dress that suited my body, and Andrea wore almost the same thing as me except it was red.

"Kian coming?" I ask.

"No, he's sick" she pouts.

"Don't get too crazy tonight then." I chuckle.

"I am not that crazy!" She defends. I raise my hands in the air, "okay okay!"

I'm the designated driver tonight, I'm not in the mood to drink anyways, I was in the mood to party though. We got there around 11, and the party was already going on. Music was blasting outside of the house; I wouldn't be surprised if the cops came.

We let ourselves in, it's not like anyone would come to the door anyways, and Andrea headed straight for the drinks. I followed her, and ran into Skip.

"Hey!" Skip said, embracing both of us, stumbling in the process.

"Hey skip" we both greeted.

"I love my friends!" He cheered. He was so drunk.

"I love you guys!" He wrapped his arms around our shoulders.

"Love you too Skip" I laughed.

"I'm gonna go find my dog!" And with that he left.

"Skip has a dog?" Andrea asked.

I shook my head, laughing.

She laughed as well and grabbed a beer, popping off the cap and taking a swig.

We just kind of hung out in kitchen until Andrea got more tipsy.

"Let's dance!!!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me outside in the backyard where the DJ was. I immediately spotted Luke dancing with, of course, Acacia. Isn't she too young to be here? She's like what, 14?

"Andrea I'm gonna head inside, okay?" She nodded quickly and headed to the dance floor, dancing with whoever was nearby. As long as she doesn't head to some bedroom with another guy, she'll be fine. I went upstairs and opened the door to Luke's room. I sat on his bed and just closed my eyes. Why am I so annoyed of Acacia? Was it because Luke was my best friend and I felt like she had taken my place? It's not like they've been hanging out 24/7. Actually, they could have been. I wouldn't know. Or was it because I could actually have feelings for Luke? Maybe I did. The way he looked in the morning took my breath away. Or the way he gave me butterflies whenever he'd hold my hand. The way he would always be protective over me. It was In that moment when I realized, I have a crush on Luke Brooks.

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