Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Six Flags

I woke up feeling fully rested. I checked my phone first, as always, and noticed I got a text from Luke.

From Luke:

Be there in 20!

Crap. I completely forgot! It was already 9:40. I hopped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I showered really quickly, brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and put on some eyeliner and mascara. I then got dressed and ran downstairs with my phone. I managed to do everything within 15 minutes. Definitely a new record. As I waited for them, I ate some yogurt. Right when I finished I heard a honk outside. I grabbed the house keys, my wallet, and my phone, and was out the door. I hopped into the car and sat next to Luke. Beau and Jai were in the front and Daniel and Skip were in the back. Beau pulled out of the driveway and continued to drive.

"Someone woke up late." Skip chuckled.

"Shut up." I laughed.

"You forgot huh." Luke said.

"No....." I trailed off. He raised his eyebrows. I just laughed.

James reached over and touched my hair from the back seat.

"Your hairs wet." He said, still feeling it.

"Yeah, it does that after I shower." I say, laughing.

"Why didn't you just blow dry it?" He asks.

"I didn't have time." I say. He continued to touch my hair.

"James." I say.

"Hm?" He replies.

"You're touching my hair."

"Sorry, it's just so soft." He says. Luke swats James hands away.

"Don't touch her hair, who knows where your hands have been." Luke says.

"Oh I know where they've been." James says. I turned around and looked at him weirdly. He just winked.

We finally get there, and luckily there isn't that many people.

"So where to first?" Beau asks.

"Riddlers Revenge?" I suggest. They all agree, so we walk to the ride and wait in line. As we're about to get on Skip starts to freak out.

"Holy shit we have to stand up?!" He says.

"Well, kinda. But it's not scary." I say.

"How is that possible?! What if I'm too short? My balls are not going to feel comfortable." He says.

"Daniel, it adjusts to your height. You'll be fine." I try to cheer him up. There's 4 per row, so James, Skip, Jai, and Beau take the front and Luke and I take the 2nd row. After the ride Daniel starts cheering.

"Woo! That didn't hurt my balls at all! I'm a man!" We all start to crack up.

It's almost 6, and the boys decide to go on Lex Luther, Drop of Doom. I haven't been on that ride, mainly because it is the highest dropping rollercoaster like, ever. I love rollercoasters, don't get me wrong, but the ones that just drop makes my stomach churn. I didn't want to back down though so I waited in line.

"Are you ok?" He asks, noticing me panicking alittle.

"Just kinda nervous. I've never been on this one. Drops kind of freak me out" I say. I didn't wanna sound like a wimp but let's face it, I was.

"You'll be okay. I promise."

It was finally our turn. The ride fit 6 a row so we all sat together. (From left to right: Beau, Jai, Luke, Mia, James, Skip) I took in a deep breath after they buckled all of our seat belts. Luke looked at me and smiled. It made me feel so much more calm. The ride started and we slowly went up, up, and up. This was the part I hated the most. Anticipating the drop. We finally got to the top and I freaked. I instantly grabbed Luke's hand right before the drop and closed my eyes. I held it tight as we flew down to the bottom. I heard Beau screaming, "WOOHOO THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!" So I assumed it was over. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that the workers were already coming to unstrap our seatbelts. When they lifted it up I realized that I was still holding Luke's hand. I quickly let go.

"Sorry." I smiled.

"It's okay." He smiled back. We went towards the exit and saw that they had pictures taken of us. We walked up to the screen to get a closer look.

"James your face looks so restarted!" Skip laughs.

"Aw look at Mia and Luke!" Beau says. I start blushing and covering my face.

"Just go out already." Jai hollers.

Luke just nudges Jai as to tell him to shut up.

"We have to buy this!" Skip says. We each split the money to buy one of the pictures. It came with 2.

"Here, you can have the other one." Luke says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah, we only need one." He says. I thank him and we continue to go on rides at the park.

It was almost 10, which was the time the park closed, so we decided to head out. As we left we decided to take one group picture in front of the six flags sign. We had a stranger take it for us. After the stranger had taken the photo James said, "ok now just Mia and Luke!"

"Why just us 2?" I ask.

"Just because!" He says. Luke just shrugs, so we both pose for the picture by hugging each other.

"Aw how cute." Jai says, after taking the picture.

"Yeah yeah we all know how cute I am." Luke joked. I laughed.

After the pictures were taken we headed back into the car. On the drive home I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open so I just drifted off to sleep. Eventually we got to My house and Skip woke me up.

"We're here." Jai says. I lifted up my head, which was previously laying on Luke's shoulder. He was still sleeping as well.

"Bye guys. Thanks for today. Tell Luke I said bye." We all said goodnight and I left to go inside the house. I lazily changed into my pajamas and slumped into bed, falling asleep easily.

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