Part 2~ Ready for the concert

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Your pov~

This is what and when you had been waiting for!!Tommorow Is the One Direction concert you would be attending with your bff anslei.Over the past week you had saved up about 350 more dollars for souvenirs and things like that at the concert.

Now you were laying in your bed,trying to fall asleep,but you couldn't,you were too excited!I'm finally going to get to see Niall Horan in person!you thought blushing.

Since you couldn't sleep,you slipped out of your bed and into your One Direction house shoes,then walked over to your bag you had already packed ready for the concert tommorow.

You decided you should check and make sure you had everything you would want or need for the concert.

You had your One Direction wallet with your $350 in it,you had your brush,makeup,Naill Hiram poster you were hoping to get him to sign,and finally your midnight memories cd for all the boys to sign.

You yawned and put the contents of your bag up and climbed back into your bed.Soon you drifted to sleep thinking about how awesome Niall is...........

-Time skip-

The next day you woke up at 12:00 but the concert wasn't till 7:00.You sighed,and decided to text Anslei.

hey girl,what's up?Are u ready for the concert cuz I am!Try to be at my place by 4 because you know it's a 3 hour drive to where the concert Is held!:)

You pressed send and waited for her to reply after about a minute,your familar ringtone of story of my life played.It was a text from Anslei that said:

K I'll be there at 4:00 sharp!!!Ttyl bestie!:)

You smiled and layed your phone down.You yawned as you walked downstairs to get some lunch.As you entered your kitchen,you saw your mom had just made some hamburgers,and was at the table eating grabbed a burger and took a bite out of it." these are good!Thanks for making them."Your mom nodded,and then asked"So are you sure you and Anslei can manage alone at this concert?"You layed a comforting hand on her shoulder,"Mom,we'll be FINE.I promise.Your mom sighed,"Oh alright I trust y'all,just please be careful."We will mom"you laughed before skipping up to your room.

The time was already 1:30 by the time you finished your burger."I guess I'll go take a shower you mumbled,Going into your bathroom.You took off your clothes and hopped in,letting the warm water run over you.You quickly shampooed and conditioned your hair,shaved,then washed your body.

You got out toweled off your body,wrapped the towel around you,and another around your hair,then hurried to your closet.The time was now 2:45,So you were doing a good job of keeping up with the time.

You turned on the light and walked inside ,since you had an enormous walk in closet.should I wear something casual,or more formal?You thought scratching your head.

After about 15 minutes of looking,you decided to wear casual short above knee (fav.color) dress with a blue jean jacket.You decided to also wear some black floral flats.

After getting dressed,you plugged in your curling iron so you could fix your hair.You blow dried it then curled it slightly into little waves.After curling it as an finishing touch,you put on a black headband with a blue flower on it.

After being satisfied with your hair,it was time to do your make up.You put on a small bit of pink blush,put on some eyeliner,then put on some mascara.perfect.You sprayed a whiff of (Your favorite perfume) on,then stood up."I look perfect!"You said standing up.

Then you heard a knock on the door downstairs."I'll get it!" you yelled.then you checked the time 3:50. You hurried downstairs then opened the door to see your bestie,Anslei standing there.

She looked beautiful.She had on a light brown dress that went down to her knees,and a small button up white jacket over it.she wore brown sandals,and had her hair up in a bun.She had on a little bit of makeup and carried a light brown messenger bag.

"You look so pretty!"You both squealed at the same time then laughed.Your mom appeared behind you."Are you girls about to go?"Yep"You said motioning toward your bag you held.She handed you the keys to the car,"Be safe,love y'all"she said before disappearing back inside the house.

You both rushed to the got in the drivers seat and Anslei got in the passengers seat.You crunk up the car and looked at the was 4:00."Right on time"you said before pulling out of the driveway.

/-Time skip-/

After 3 long hours,you both finally arrived at the concert.You got in the long line of people waiting to get inside."Omg!I can't wait!"anslei yelled"Me either!"You yelled back when you both finally got up to where you have to give the guy your tickets,Anslei turned to you and said,"You ready for the concert?"You betcha!" you replied and you both rushed inside.

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