Part 7~ The emotional morning

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Hey guys,omg it's been SO long since I updated!!=.=I've had a serious case of writers block and have had lots of things going on at school,so I haven't had time to update.Here's part seven,enjoy!!

      Your p.o.v

The next morning,you heard your phone going of to the familiar sound of "Story of my life".Ahh,another school day."You thought.As you leaned up to turn of the alarm,you felt something,or someone holding their arms around your waist.What the heck??You then turned your head to look down at the sleeping form of a blond headed boy. But this wasn't any blonde,it was Niall Horan!

  You blushed.He looks so cute when he sleeps~You giggled and leaned your head towards his.You brushed a strand of his blonde locks away from his ear.Ever so slightly, you whispered,"Time to wake up my darling"His green eyes opened and you giggled as that familiar happy smile of his played at his lips.

"Good morning"You said in a sing song voice.Niall Sat up and rubbed his eyes,releasing his bear hug on you."Good morning beautiful,"He said smiling.

You hopped up and opened your door.You peaked out to see your mother's door was cracked,but she was nowhere to be seen.You left your door cracked and walked back into your room.

"My mom must be at work,"You said. "So that means we can be as loud as we want, and she'll never know that you're here."

You looked at your clock.It was 7:46,and you had to be at school at 8:05.

"Crap"You yelled, running into your closet and grabbing a random shirt and pair of jeans.You went into the bathroom and changed quickly.You fixed your hair, put on your makeup,put on your converse tennis-shoes,and walked back into your room.

"How do I look,"You asked propping yourself up on the door way.Niall smiled and walked over to you.He leaned in and planted a passionate kiss on your lips, that you gladly returned.He broke away."Hot as always, sweetheart."

You smiled."Would you like some breakfast?"You asked, getting your school bag and tucking your phone into your Jean 's  pocket.Niall followed you as you left your room and went down the stairs to your kitchen.

"Sure"Niall replied taking a seat at the kitchen table."Ok,we will have pop-tarts,I can actually make them!"Niall laughed as you grabbed both of you a pack of blueberry pop-tarts.

You both ate your pop-tarts and then Niall looked down at his phone and frowned.

"What's wrong"You asked, not bothering to hide the concerned tone in your voice."Me and the band are leaving tonight"he said sadly."We have to be in another city by tommorow afternoon for our next stop on our tour."

You felt your heart break as he said these words.Tears came to your eyes."Oh-oh" you managed to sputter out.He  jumped up and ran to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulled you into a tight hug."It's ok,(Y/N),"He soothed"If your mom will allow it,you can travel and live with me and the other's on the tour bus."You looked up at him and he wiped a tear from your cheek with his thumb.

"When will you ask her?"You croaked."Niall sighed, and pulled you in for a tighter hug."I will ask het as soon as I'm done walking you to school,and "He added,looking at the clock."We need to get going or you will be late,so wipe those tears off your face,fix your mascara,and we will be going."

You forced a smile, then went and did these things.You and Niall walked to your front door and you unlocked the door.It was a cloudy day,with only a tad of sunlight peaking through the dark gray clouds threatening to spill out rain at any momment.There was a light drizzle, and the dew was still fresh on the cold ground.You sighed,"A sad day,huh,it describes our mood."Niall nodded in agreement.

Instead of wearing the sunglasses to hopefully not be noticed,he wore his scarf up over his mouth and put up the hood on his jacket.

As soon as you stepped out the door,chilling wind greeted you.You felt your teeth chatter."Crap!I forgot my jacket!Niall,can you go and grab it for me,it's hanging on my closet door knob."Sure"Niall replied,running back into your house.

A few momments later,Niall returned with your jacket."Here you go,Bae"He said,as he put the jacket on you.You pulled it tighter over your shoulders and zipped it up,thankful for some warmth."Well Niall their is one thing good about this weather,My mom will probably be home early,because she is a waitress at a restaurant that works outside of doors.""Yes"he replied"The sooner I can ask her the better.

After the jacket issue,you and Niall joined hands and began walking to your school.The walk was pleasant,but the whole time you were thinking about Anslei.She usually texted you in the morning,but this morning,you had received no texts from her.I wonder if she is still mad at me?You thought,tightening your grip on Niall's hand. Niall noticed this and smiled."You really ARE afraid to lose me,aren't you?"You blushed and nuzzled his chest.

As you arrived at the front doors of the school,some of the other girls,and guys stared at you quizically.They had never seen you with a boy like this.Niall sighed and looked into your eyes as you turned to face him.

"I promise you,"he whispered,taking your head into his hands,"I will be there at your house,after school,regardless of what your mother says,I love you,(Y/N),and I want you to always remember that."You nodded as you sniffled,another round of tears threatening to spill."I love you too."Niall smiled and pecked your lips.He waved and began to walk back towards your house,as you walked into school.What you didn't know was that this day of school would be one you would never forget.

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