Part 12~Last Sweet Moments

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Hey guys! I'm so sad/happy we're nearing the end! There will probably be only two or three more chapters left in this story. Thanks to all of you who have been reading! Before we begin this chapter,I just want to say thank you for over 3,000 reads!! I honestly never expected this story to gain this much popularity,but while we're at it,lets aim for 3,500 reads!:);) Also,this chapter gets more heated,it isn't a lemon or smut,but it gets kind of close to it. If you don't want to read that part,I will warn you so you can skip over it.

Your P.O.V

After you and Niall finished the delicious pancakes,the rest of the band began to clamber into the kitchen one by one. Niall sat down with all of them and gave them their pancake. They all happily accepted it,and thanked both you and Niall.

You were going to join them at the table,when your phone began to ring. You mentally sighed as you pulled it out of your pajama pants pocket. It was your mother.

“Hold on guys,I have to take this,it's my mother."You said turning around and padding down the hall. Before you turned the boys gave you a thumbs up and went back to conversing and eating the pancakes.

As you walked by Scott's office,not a sound was heard through the door. He's probably sleeping. You thought. Then I'd better hurry to me and Niall's room before the ringing of my phone wakes him up!

This thought made you force your feet to go faster as you entered the room and shut the door. You answered your phone in your usual cheerful voice. "Hi mom!How are you?"

"I'm great sweetie!"She answered,cheer in her voice as well. "I just wanted to let you know that I will get to watch One Direction's concert tonight in Times Square. It will be playing on Television!"

"That's great!" You replied. "Yes,and I wanted to talk to you about something else,(Y/N)" She said this in a serious tone,that caused a pit to form in your stomach.

You swallowed,regaining your composure. "Y-Yes mom?" "(Y/N) I know that tonight will be the final concert of the tour for the boys. I think I may want you to come back and live with me. I mean, you don't even know what or where Niall and the other's will do or go next."

You felt as if someone had stabbed you in the chest. "But m-mom?? What about Anslei? What about the school??" You were trying hard not to let your voice crack,but it was anyway despite your trys.

"Honey,we can move and live somewhere else where there will be new people. We'll start a new life! I mean you will still be able to date Niall,but you just won't get to see him very much."

You choked back tears as your voice became higher." Start ANOTHER new life?? No mom,that is not what I want! I could stay with Niall wherever he goes and still have a very successful and happy life! You can't control me anymore Mom,I can decide my own happiness!!"

With that line you were sobbing,and hung up the phone. You couldn't believe your mom! Telling you it was okay to come all this way with Niall,to just abruptly end everything!? She knew you would be attached and couldn't take change lightly.

You sat on yours and Niall's bed,clutching a pillow on your chest with your head buried into it trying to mute your crying.

After a few more agonizing minutes of your sobbing,you heard the familiar click of the door,but you didn't look up to see who it was because you didn't really care at this moment. All you cared about right now was the time you had left with Niall,and Niall. That is all that mattered to you.

You heard light footsteps crossing the carpeted floor until they stopped. You then heard the bed creak as someone sat down behind you. Then,two familiar strong yet loving arms wrapped around you and pulled you onto their lap.

It was your one and only,Niall. "Ohhhh Niall!"You wailed."M-my mom sh-" Niall cut you off placing a finger on your lips."I heard" he said quietly. "You don't have to talk about it."

You mentally thanked him as you turned to face him in his lap. He began to rock you back and forth. You cried some more,relishing the moment with Niall. This could be your last,and that very thought caused more tears to spring up into your eyes.

Niall took his thumb and forefinger and wiped the tears off of your face. You looked up into his pretty eyes."Niall."You whispered."Will you try to always be there with me?"

He caressed your cheek with his hand."(Y/N),I won't try to always be there,I will always be there." "But how?" You asked,curious. I thought he said he had heard the conversation between you and your mom,because it sent out the message of you both not being able to see each other quite clearly.

"Don't worry about it." He said,silencing you once more with his finger. You smiled,then grabbed his face and connected yours and his lips. The kiss became deeper as you let Niall's tongue explore your mouth.

(Warning,ahead slight lemon.)

This is it. These are the moments I need to make the most of,in case I lose Niall! You let out a soft moan just as Niall released you from his grip,causing you to lay on the bed, flat on your back. Niall put both hands on either side of your neck,and was right on top of you.

He leaned down and kissed you deeply again,them trailed kisses down your jawbone and collarbone. He nipped at the soft skin,claiming you as his,as you let out a louder moan in pleasure. "N-Niall,"You gasped then bit your lip. "Let's not go all the way,because there are people around,but let's have some fun." You blushed saying this,ans Niall smirked. "You do know the walls in this room are padded,so nobody can hear anything in here?also the door is locked,so we can do something."

You giggled as he continued to leave love bites all over your neck. Soon,you began unbuttoning his shirt,leaving his bare skin exposed. You ran your hands over his chest.

Niall then began kissing farther and farther down until he got to your breasts. He stopped and tugged your shirt off,you helping in the process.

He then unclasped your bra,and on it went from there.

--------------Time skip----------------(End of slight lemon)---

You woke up to the usual knocking of Scott at the door. You grumbled and sat up,pulling the covers up to cover yourself. Niall was still naping,and you blushed madly remembering what you had both done.

You slowly got up,went to the bathroom,showered then got dressed in the pretty dress you had chosen for this occasion of the last performance.

The dress was bright orange and flowed down to cover your feet. There were lines of jewels around your waist. You curled your hair so it fell perfectly around your face with vibrant make up on.

You padded out of the bathroom,and woke Niall up by placing a kiss on his lips. He cracked his eyes,then sat up and smiled at you. "You were great," he said laughter in his voice and a mock smile on his face.

Your face flushed more than you thought possible as you punched him in the arm." Never tell anyone about that!" You yelled. He just laughed."Okay,okay I won't."

"Good," you huffed crossing your arms. "Then you motioned down towards the dress. "Are you not going to compliment me, Niall?" You asked smugly.

He stood up,and slipped his shirt back on to his muscular form. "Of course I am,my lady. You look stunning."

"Thanks,"You replied,tossing your hair."I know I do." Niall laughed and headed towards the bathroom. "I'm going to shower and get ready!"He yelled over his shoulder.

"Okay!"You yelled in response, sitting on the bed and waiting.

About two hours of playing on your phone,Niall emerged in a Tuxedo that brought out hos hair and skin perfectly.

"You look great."You whispered,wrapping your arms around his neck. Niall smiled,taking your hand. "Now,shall we go and meet the boys?" You nodded as Niall led you out to the front of the bus. The boys and Scott were gathered.

Looking out the window,you observed that Scott had already pulled the bus into the facility where the performance would take place.

Scott rubbed his hands together. "Alright,are all of you ready for the last big performance?" All of you chorused a yes,as Scott held the door for you all to exit the bus to the last performance.

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