Part 5~Texting buddies

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   Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while,so here yall are!:)

Your pov-

You just stood there stunned as Niall smirked and walked back inside the concert hall.With your face tomatoe red,you climbed into the back of the taxi cab,still grasping the paper with Nialls number on it tightly in your hand.

When the cab driver asked you where you wanted to go you told him your address.The driver began to drive away and as he did you looked back at the concert hall where so much had happened,so much......."Ummmm,ma'am,we're at your home may I help you out."You gasped and sat up.

You were Still in the taxi,with the taxi driver holding your door had fallen asleep!!You blushed and got out of the car,apologising to the driver,before walking into your home.As you entered the garage,you saw the car you and anslei had driven to the concert.


You smiled as you unlocked the door and slipped inside the closed the door VERY easily then tiptoed up the stairs into your room."Hi"You jumped back startled as you turned on your light.

"Oh hi anslei,"you said closing your eyes and letting out the breath you had been holding."so how did YOUR vip experience go?"Anslei asked as you layed your bag down.You slipped The slip of paper with Nialls number into the bag.For some reason,you felt you shouldn't show or tell anslei anything about you and niall.

"Great"you said not meeting her eyes."Well"SHE replied flopping down into her sleeping bag and turning over on her side not facing you."At least YOU got to meet One Direction"She spat."huh"You asked Then you shook your head.You opened your pajama drawer and grabbed some.Then headed to the  bathroom to change.

On your way out you grabbed your phone and the paper with Niall s number.As you walked into the bathroom you locked the door,changed,then sat on the toilet with the seat down.As you saved Nialls number into your phone,you couldn't help but think of how strange anslei was acting .She was usually so cheery and nice,but now.....Well I guess she's just jealous,you thought.That's how every girl in the world would act if they found out what happened between me and Niall.You thought.After saving his number you went back into your room shutting the door behind you.

Anslei had already turned off the light and you could hear her breathing as you felt your way to your bed.You let out a phew as you snuggled into the blankets and got compfy.Soon you drifted to sleep.........

The next morning you woke up to see Anslei was gone along with her thought before spotting a note stuck to your table.


     Thanks for coming to the concert with me!I had a blast!Text me later,ok.

                   Love,your bestie Anslei

You smiled as you climbed out of bed and checked the time on your phone.12:00.Since today was Sunday you really didn't have anything to do.

You got dressed pulled your(h/c) hair back into a messy bun then padded down the you passed the living room you saw your mother inside,getting her car keys and purse.

"Oh,hey mom"You said leaning against the entrance to the hall."hey honey"she replied,giving you a warm smile.She was decked out in her gym clothes."I assume you're going to the gym"You said with a small laugh.

"Yes"she replied hugging you."I'll be back later,ok then we can talk about your concert and vip experience.You just nodded as she then padded out the door leading to the garrage.You sighed and went into the kitchen to prepare (Your favorite food).After you were done making it you sat down at your kitchen table to eat.

While you were eating you couldn't help but think since your mother was out of the house you should text Niall.After pondering this for a while you decided you should so you ran up to your room,grabbed your phone,then plopped down onto your bed.

You went to your contacts then selected Nialls number,then selected "Send message".Only one problem.You didnt know what to say!You drummed your fingers on the screen when it hit you sent this-

To:Niall Horan

     Hello.This is (y/n),the girl who was a VIP at your concert.I'm sorry If I'm bothering you,if I am don't reply but if you want to chat,please do reply.



  You leg out a breath you had been holding,then turned off your phone.What if he doesn't even remember who I am?!you thought.what if I annoy him?

Your thoughts were interrupted as you heard the familiar sound of your phone ringtone telling you you had a new text message.You turned on your phone.The text was from Niall.Here's what it read-

From:Niall Horan

  Oh,hey I remember you!You're that beautiful girl I choose yesterday!:)How could I forget you?And no babe you aren't bothering me,i would love to chat with you!;)


You blushed as you read the parts where he called you beautiful,but you were happy!You let out a squeal and texted him back.   

       --------------------Time skip 3 hours-----------------

After 3 long happy hours you got a text from Niall you will never forget.Here is what it read-

From:Niall Horan

     You know (Y/N),you are beautiful,nice,funny,and cheerful,I couldn't imagine a better girl.I know you may think this is a joke since I'm a celebrity ,but I promise I'm being serious.Will you go out on a date with me tonight,since tommorow I have to leave this area to travel to another area.I can pick you up at 7:00.



Your mouth gaped open as you dropped your phone and started shaking.You began to squeal and jump around your room.After about 5 minuites you grabbed your phone and texted back this-

To:Niall Horan

  Why,of course!!Can't wait to see you!;)


   Niall replied with a simple "Thank you",as you heard your front door open."Hello?!(Y/N),I'm home!""Mom"You yelled running down the stairs to her."Mom,Mom,"You panted," Niall asked me out on a date tonight,is that ok."Why sure"She replied then stopped."You mean Niall,as in Niall Horan from One Direction?!?"You nodded as she yelled and gave you a hug."

"I am so happy for you,Y/N),Let's go get you ready!""Eh?!!!"You exclaimed as she dragged you up the stairs toward your room.Thus,it wad time for your mom to get you ready for your first,and hopefully not last,date with Niall Horan.


Hello,and thank you for reading the 5th installment of My Niall Horan x reader!If you have been one of the people who have been reading this all the way through,part by part,piece by,piece,God bless you!!LOL I know I don't update very much,but believe me that's about to change so,I hope that makes you happier!XD Also Thanks for over 180 reads.Lets shoot for 200,ok!Thank you,I love you guys,and remember-I always accept requests always so don't be shy-Bye now!:)


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