Part 10~ Concerts and Emotions

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Hello you guys!I'm so sorry this update came later than expected. To be honest,I had no idea what this next chapter would be about,but I finally just started writing and went with the flow. I will probably do the same for the next few chapters, because as much as I hate to tell you guys,this story is coming to a close,but let's enjoy it until then! As always,thank you so much for reading,I love you guys,and suggestions are ALWAYS appreciated. Enjoy~

Your P.O.V

This was all new and for you. An ending. An ending with your old life,with your mother and as a normal teenage girl. But the beginning of a new life. A new life where you,(Y/N), were in love with the oh so adorable Niall Horan of the crazy successful band,One Direction.

You sighed and looked out the window of the One Direction tour bus. All you could see were the tall skyscrapers and bright lights of Chicago,Illinois. Tonight the band had a performance here. 

You were in yours and Niall's private room on the bus. Although,it didn't seem very private with the other boys rooms surrounding you two's room. But you were okay with that. I mean,how could you complain? Not every teenage girl gets to leave home and go on tour with her superstar boyfriend.

You then peeked over at the bed in the middle of the room. Niall was sound asleep. You could see the faint rise and fall of his chest. His blonde hair looked perfect against his face. You got up and crept silently over to beside the bed.

Awww,he's so cute when he sleeps!He looks so peaceful! These thoughts entered your mind as you stood there just staring at your boyfriend's perfect form lying there sound asleep. You knew that Niall and the rest of the band deserved rest after being on tour for so long. It was like their life was always on the road.

I wonder how mom's doing?And Anslei? You remembered your mother's sad face before you left,but quickly pushed that image of her out of your mind. Your mother allowed you to leave. She knew what was best for you but she also wanted you to always follow your heart.

Anslei however,you knew was in the state penitentiary serving her time with her little posse for violently beating you up. The bright (color of choice) cast on your arm was a constant reminder of that. Not mentioning how much it hurt when you moved. Although it saddened you to have to end yours and Anslei's long standing friendship, you knew that this was best for you. For Niall. For everyone.

You had been touring with One Direction for three months now. Each day was the same routine. Get up. Load up tour bus. Drive to a new city. Let the band perform. Load back up the bus. Travel some more. Repeat this. Not that you were complaining,getting to spend each day with Niall and all. You would just be happy when you could have a settled down life again. Possibly with Niall.

Every day since you had left,your mother had texted you, called you, or skyped you. You could tell that she missed you, but was happy and proud at the same time. Your mom had already sent you her daily text earlier. Since then you had just been sitting on a cushion chair admiring the view out the window of the bus while Niall slept. Although you were now at Niall's side.

You smiled as you took your hand and lightly brushed his golden locks out of his eyes. You giggled when you noticed his skin tingled at your touch. You then got enough courage to poke his nose. He scrunched it up adorably! You clamped a hand over your mouth to stiffle your laughter. Then you got even more courageous to the point where you kissed him.

The kiss wasn't hard or rough,it was a soft peck on the lips. You pulled away and Noticed that Niall was still soundly sleeping. You sighed and played with his fingers and every so often poked his face or kissed him. It was fun to see the expressions he would make in his unconscious state.

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