Part 3~The choosen one!!???

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Your pov~

When you and Anslei arrived inside of the concert,it seemed chaotic!People were bustling about,dropping things.You both blushed as you both jostled your way through the crowd to an uncrowded area by a trash can

"Ok "Anslei muttered unfolding the seating pamphlet.You both stared at it for a momment.

"We have front row seats so,"you said pointing way across the whole stadium down by a stage,"We need to be there."Anslei nodded,then folded the map back up and tucked into her bag."If we can Get there,that is"You huffed in agreement looking at the huge amounts of people.

After what seemed a year long trek,you both made it to your seats and sat down.You released a breath,then checked the time on your phone.7:52.The concert didn't start till 8:00,So it wouldn't be but about 8 minutes untill you saw Niall.

"Hey,(y,n) when will we buy souvenirs?"You blinked as she drew you from your thoughts about the blonde headed hottie."ummm,I guess after the concert." You shrugged."That a'way

we can get autographs,and stuff like that.""Yep"Anslei nodded " and so they can give out the VIP pass to the chosen girl""What VIP pass?"You asked "oh,did you not read the pamphlet,(y,n)?"

She took out the green glossy pamphlet with all of the 1D members on the front.She flipped it over."See"She said pointing"It says here that during the concert one of the boys will come down and choose someone to get free VIP passes to hang out with them for the rest of the night.""Cool" you said.Anslei nodded and nudged your shoulder

"What if one of us got picked?"She whispered You chuckled a little."I really don't think either one of us will be chosen,Anslei.""Well,you never know"She retorted,"Never say never,(y,n),never say never."

"Hey"you said "We're not at no Justin bieber concert!"You both started giggling as most of the people crowded into their seats.The lights dimmed until they were only staring at the stage.

A short girl walked out waving and smiling.she stopped in the middle of the stage as cheers died down."Thank you all for coming out here tonight." The crowd once again went wild."I know y'all don't want to see me,so put your hands together for,One Direction!"

You screamed so loud along with the crowd you thought someone's ears were going to burst,as Zayn,Louie,Harry,Liam,and finally Niall jumped onto the stage singing what makes you beautiful.

After the song ended the boys laughed and Harry announced the choosen ONE thing and that the member to chose would be none the other than Niall.Your heart fluttered at the thought of him picking you,but you shook it off.There was no way that could happen,right.

Harry then announced that Niall would come down and lead"the choosen ONE" up onto the stage when the last song played,which would be story of my life.

/-Time skip brought to you by Spain's tomatoe Stand/-

Finally,Story of my life played,after 3 long hours of music and anticipation of who Niall would choose.Niall walked off the stage,still singing.When his singing part ended.He began searching for I guess the perfect girl then you couldn't believe.It seemed that his eyes had landed on you.He gave a small smile in your direction and began walking toward you.

Your heart began to beat so fast you thought your chest was going to burst.Then everything seemed to happen in a blurr.Anslei's face of shock.Niall offering you his hand.Being led on stage with One Direction.Then it hit you.You were the choosen one.

One Direction-Niall Horan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now