Part 9~ Departure

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Here is another update brochachos, please enjoy! XD Love you guys! Ans alaisha231,I hope you're happy about this quick update!

Your P.O.V-

Soon, after what seemed like forever,the nurse came in and said that you could leave. The nurse was great! She was so intent on taking care of you,that she didn't even realize WHO Niall Actually was. You were grateful for this.

The nurse packed you a bag with medications to take for various parts of your hurt body, got you a wheelchair,and sent you on your way WITH good future wishes.

Although you had insisted that you were fine and could walk out of the hospital, she and Niall had forced you to take the wheelchair.

You sat in the wheelchair,arms crossed,legs crossed not saying a thing as Niall pushed you along and into the elevator. He selected the button that led to the bottom floor and you both began your descent.

Out of the corner of your eye,reflected off the window he was propped up against looking out of, you could see a glimmer of amusement in Niall's eyes.

You crossed your arms and puffed indignantly,"Hmph, Horan, how would you feel to be dragged around as if you were helpless and put into a wheelchair you didn't even need?!"

Niall cracked that famous smile of his, and you could hear the patter of his footsteps as he walked over to behind where you and your stupid wheelchair was.

After a moment, he placed two sturdy hands on each handle of the back of your chair. He quickly spun the chair around,to where you were facing him. You felt a light shade of pink appear on your face as he fixed both of his arms on the handles again,slightly draped over your shoulders. He leaned in towards your face and pressed his forehead to yours staring deep into your (Eye color) eyes.

You knew you should be used to your boyfriend's kind affectionate ways,but he just was so.....perfect he still made you nervous at moments like this. And besides,he is The Niall Horan after all, one of the famous members of your favorite boy band of all time, One Direction.

"Oh my babe," he whispered into your ear,his voice silky and as soft as wind in a summer breeze,"If I were sick and I knew you would be the one to take care of me, I would love it,because I love you." He poked your nose, as your face became crimson red.

"I love you too, Niall" you said. Niall cupped your burning face in his hand, and tilted your head up towards his own. His lips soon met yours in a kiss so passionate,sparks flew.

His tongue met your lips,asking for entrance,and you gladly let him in. Your tongues fought for dominance, and in the end you let Niall win.

He explored your wet cavern, covering every inch of it. You let a small moan escape your lips,just as you heard the familiar ding of the elevator opening. Niall quickly pulled away from you, wiping away some of the salvia that still connected you both.

Thankfully,nobody was outside of the elevator therefore no one had seen you both French-Kissing. Niall let out a low sigh, and went back to his pushing position behind you ( I'm sorry this sounds so wrong!XD )He pushed you out of the elevator and into the hospital lobby nd soon you made it outside.

Outside was the tour bus,waiting for you with your mom standing beside it, her car parked behind it. As Niall helped you out of the wheelchair and turned to take it back inside, you could tell your mother was very sad about your soon departure from her.

As Niall returned, he asked"Are your ready to go, (Y/N)? We must leave in 3 minutes if we are to be on schedule."He blinked" I'll give you some alone time with your mom. Oh and thank you, Mrs.(Your last name) for letting your daughter come and live with me. I promise I will keep her safe for you."

He then embraced your Mother into a tight hug. She hugged him back. "Thank you Niall honey. You are a great young man. Keep up the good work." Niall gave her a grin." I will,I promise."He then waved to your mom and got into the bus.

As soon as he disappeared,your mother pulled you into a tight hug and started sobbing. Tears came to your eyes as well. You patted your mom's head. "I-It'll be all right mom,"You barely managed to say in an audible tone."I love Niall,and trust that he will protect me."You mom eventually stopped crying and pulled herself together.

She pulled away from you. "You're right," she sniffed. You are a big girl now, not my little girl like you used to be,and now is your time to make your own decisions for your life."You nodded in agreement."Well mom,"You said glancing down at your watch."I best be leaving now." Your mom smiled and gave you one more quick hug. "Good luck honey,I love you."I love you too mom, good bye." You barely managed to choke that up as you stepped into the giant bus.

Your old life in (Your hometown ) had just ended, but a new life with Niall had just begun.

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