Boyf Riends; "Game Over"

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More Boyf Riends.
Art by Ode
Enjoy the gay.
I originally wrote it on the Be More Chill Amino.

Jeremy and Michael sat in Jeremy's room on their normal bean bag chairs, playing their game. Surprisingly, the both of them were getting bored of the game.

Jeremy paused the game with a bored groan, making Michael look over. "What's up?" Michael asked, putting his controller on the floor, and Jeremy glanced over. "I'm getting bored.." Jeremy mumbled, making Michael glance at the TV. "How about.. we make a bet?" Jeremy looked over, making Michael laugh.

"What kind of bet?" He asked, and Michael hummed. "How about.. the first person to die the most, who is the loser, has to do whatever the winner says?" Michael suggested and Jeremy hummed in thought, hesitating. "C'moooon." Michael nudged Jeremy's leg with his foot. Jeremy sighed. "Best out of three?"

"Best out of three."

(Basically meaning if one person dies they still have two more chances to not die the most, if that makes sense, and if no one understood it.)

During their first round, Michael got another idea. He didn't say anything specific about rules. All he said is the loser has to do whatever the winner says. Michael moved his foot and began to gently kick Jeremy's foot. "Yes Michael?" Jeremy asked, not moving his attention from the game. Michael began to slowly lean over to Jeremy, getting his attention the closer he got.

Jeremy nervously glanced away from Michael, and looked back. "M-Michael..?" Michael didn't answer, and Jeremy looked away, his face began to burn a bit. Michael then took one of his hands and put it to Jeremy's side, and then tickled him, causing Jeremy to spazz out, drop his controller, and fall off of the beanbag, which in turn ended up making Jeremy die in the game. Michael began to laugh seeing the "player two has died" on the screen.

"M-Michael!" Jeremy yelled at him, and stood up from the floor. Jeremy crossed his arms and gave a small, playful, glare to Michael. "Okay, okay, I'll admit, that's unfair, hey, look. I'll die too." Jeremy looked at the screen and watched as Michael made his character jump off the map and into a random pit, killing him. Jeremy stifled a laugh, and looked back to Michael who was giving a cute look.

(Basically like this; :3)

Jeremy sighed and picked his controller back up. "Normally, only one person would die on the first round." Michael said as Jeremy flopped back into the beanbag. "So?" He asked, and Michael glanced at him. "So, think of it like.. Mortal Kombat, there's mainly two rounds. Unless each player dies." Jeremy nodded as Michael went back to the main menu. "I'm saying that this is the last chance."

"Well, so much for best out of three." Jeremy mumbled as Michael hit continue. "Honestly, I wasn't planning to tickle you when I first suggested it." He said, and Jeremy glanced over. "But you are planning something, right?" Jeremy asked as the level loaded up again. "Uh..." Michael didn't answer, he just went on to play the game. "Michael..." Jeremy called out, more sternly, making Michael slowly look over. "Yes, Jer-bear?" Jeremy raised an eyebrow, and looked back at the screen. "Just.. just play the game.." he mumbled, making Michael shake his head with a small chuckle.

In the end, Jeremy somehow died, Michael wasn't sure how he managed to do that, but it worked for him. On Jeremy's side, he basically can't stop being gay. (Even though he's bisexual.) With Michael being.. well.. Michael, Jeremy found it hard to concentrate, especially after he called him "Jer-bear". Jeremy was leading that time, but since he died the "Game Over" flashed on the screen.

"Nice going Jer." Michael said, dropping his controller on the floor and stretched his hands outward, and then cracked them. Jeremy scratched his neck. "Y-yeah.." he mumbled, putting his controller on the floor. "Since I, Michael Mell, won the bet, or.. whatever." Michael started making Jeremy look over and hug his knees to his chest. "Oh god.." he mumbled. Michael laughed a bit. "No, no, it's- it's nothing bad." Michael said, easing Jeremy's anxiety. "I hope.." Michael mumbled, getting Jeremy's attention.

"What could I possibly even do that "MIGHT" be bad?!" Jeremy squeaked, and Michael looked over at him. "Jer, it's nothing bad-"

"I mean, you said that you hope it's not bad." Jeremy retorted, making Michael run his fingers through his hair, which caused Jeremy to look away, his face burning up a bit. "Jeremy-""And, for all I know-"

Michael sighed, dropping his hand from his hair. While Jeremy was still rambling, Michael moved his beanbag up against Jeremy's, leaned over towards him and pressed his lips against Jeremy's, shutting him up. Michael pulled away shortly afterwards. "See? It's nothing bad." He said, Jeremy looked away, the blush quickly growing more visible. "Th- that was your plan?"

Michael hummed with a small nod. "Pretty much." He replied, and Jeremy bit the inside of his cheek, glancing over at Michael. Michael held his arms out. "So.. can.. can I?" Jeremy sighed, letting Michael hug him. Michael grinned and swayed back and forth with Jeremy in his arms. "Yaaay."

Michael then moved too far over causing the both of them to fall off of their beanbags and making a somewhat small thump. "Ugh, Michael." Jeremy groaned, and Michael moved his head away from Jeremy's neck. "Did you hit your head hard?" He asked and Jeremy glanced away. "N-no, but just-"


The both of the boys looked over at Jeremy's door that opened. "I heard a- oh." Mr. Heere stopped in his tracks seeing Michael on top of Jeremy. "Dad!" Mr. Heere cleared his throat. "Don't be too loud." He said, and slowly walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Michael looked back at Jeremy, he have a shaky sigh out of embarrassment. "He's chill with it." Michael said and Jeremy lightly slapped his arm. "Shut up." Michael gave a small shrug, and leaned down to connect their lips again, forgetting about their game.

Extended Ending-

"Hi Mr. Heere."

"Hello Christine." Christine gave a curious look at Jeremy's father as he dug into his pocket. "Here's the twenty.." He sighed putting the twenty dollars in Christine's hand, who gave an evil laugh. "I told you Michael would make the first move!"

"At least let me have some hope for my son."

And that's it. I'm not too keen on the name.
Anyways, that's it.


I appreciate your existence.

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