Tree Bros; I'm Here For You

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Hey, I got this idea while watching Dlive, I saw a sun in the game he was playing and thought of this.

Warning; This story has suicide/suicide attempt, suicide mentions, talks of self harm, suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, and it may trigger sensitive feelings.

I present to you,

Connor stopping Evan.

Evan's never been one for talking, nor making friends. Hell, he doesn't even actually have a friend. The closest thing he has to a friend is Jared who always dismisses it, and says; "we're family friends, Evan, there's a difference." Of course Jared didn't know it hurts Evan. Alana is just Alana. They never really speak that much. And other than those two, there's Connor. He didn't really know him, but they're acquainted and know each other's names.

Evan's father left him when he was seven on a February day, he never told him mother, but he blames himself for his father leaving. His mother told him all these stories about what they did before he was born, and he began to believe it was his fault from a young age. He grew mature at a much younger age, knowing that his mother was going to have a tough time.

Evan learned to cook pasta, and learned the world didn't owe him a cent.

(I had to, lmao)

When he got older, he knew how to work everything in the kitchen, but he chose not to do it. He went some days without eating just because he didn't want to have any type of contact with anyone he didn't know.

(One time, a pizza guy came to my house when I was home alone, and I refused to open the door to talk to him, so I spoke through the door to tell him he had the wrong house, lmao)

Evan walked through the park, alone. It was a hot, summer day. His hands were in his pockets. He was exhausted, he never really liked the heat, but he didn't hate it either. His mom was at school, and had work afterwards, he wouldn't see her until the next morning. But it's been like that for as long as he could remember. He was already a burden on his mother, she would be much better without him, without worrying for another mouth to feed. Without the boy that looks like her ex-husband.

He stopped himself in front of a forest, and looked into it. His eyebrows furrowed a bit, and glanced up to the sun, since it would be the last time he ever saw it.

While on Connor's side, he's never been a people person. He's the kid that "threw a printer at his teacher in second grade". The "school shooter". His parents gave up on him after the first try, letting him to get worse, letting him use weed as an escape. Connor sat on a bench, somewhat high, and he stared at the clouds. Normally, he wouldn't care about what anyone's doing, but he got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, and looked down. His eyes fell on a somewhat short boy- short to him- staring into a forest.

He knew this was the reason because once he looked at him, his heart pounded, and his anxiety was building up. He watched as the boy walked into the forest, and he unconsciously stood up. Connor sighed and stuffed his hands into his pocket and followed after him. He wasn't exactly sure on what the kid was doing, but whatever it was gave him a bad feeling.

Connor watched as he began to climb a very tall oak tree, he's say it was about 40 feet. He began to climb after Evan. After hearing him sniffle, Connor then began to peice that he was going to kill himself. Evan then began to hesitate more as he climbed. Then he stopped and sat on a branch.

Connor then pulled himself onto the branch Evan was on, giving the poor boy a heart attack, making him yelp. Connor gave a small chuckle and sat beside him. Connor watched as Evan moved on hand and rubbed his eyes, wiping away the tears. "Why'd you climb up here?" He asked, and Evan looked over, sniffling a bit. He pulled on his shirt and looked in his lap. "I-I wanted.. to see the view.." he responded. "Really? Is that what's happening?"

Evan looked over, confusion filled his eyes. "Not many people up high on a tree while crying to "see the view"." Connor retorted, making Evan quiet. "Is this how you want to go out?" Connor asked.

"Jumping from a tree?"

"I-I wasn't going to jump.."

"You were going to let go, though." Connor said, hitting a sensitive spot on Evan. Tears began to pour out if his eyes, leaving Connor to just sit there, and watch with a somewhat sad look. "I-I.. it's just.. hard.." Evan choked out, wiping a few tears away. "I-I mean.. my mother has a son that's mentally ill and is completely worthless, she'd- she'd be better off without such a terrible son." He gave a small, sad laugh, and looked down to the shirt he's been playing with. "I don't know why I'm telling you this.."

Connor wasn't sure what to do, a (cute) boy was crying in front of him. He's watched enough movies, and saw enough people hug someone who's upset, and so, he put his arm around the shorter boy and pulled him into his chest. "It's-.. it's okay, Evan.." he only responded with a quiet sob. Connor out his chin on Evan's head as Evan tightly hugged him, not that Conner didn't mind. "I-I know we don't exactly know each other.."

"But I'll be here for you if you need it."

After that, Connor and Evan began to hang out more. Jared didn't understand why exactly, but shrugged it off. Whenever he say Connor walking up to them, he'd whisper over to him. "School shooter boyfriend, two o'clock." And walk off laughing. And of course, when he found out that the two of them began to date, he yelled; "I FUCKING CALLED IT!" No one knew exactly how or why they began to talk, but it was because Connor was checking in on Evan to make sure he was okay. Connor became his best friend, his lover, the person that made him happy. Evan was there for Connor when he needed him.

And Connor was there for him when Evan needed him.
Sorry that it sucks, just wanted to get it done.
Anyway that's it for now.

Tree Bros and Boyf Riends One-shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang