Boyf Riends/Deere/Bi-cycles; Whatever Happens Isn't Your Fault

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TW; this has talks of suicide, abuse, verbal abuse, panic attacks, blood, choking, unrequited love, and is (oddly) graphic.
I present to you-

Making Jeremy suffer more. (I'm sorry my son)

Rich didn't understand what Jeremy saw in Michael. From what he knows, Michael pulled a worse stunt than Jeremy did. Sure, ignoring your best friend is bad, but Michael still talked to him after that, things were awkward at first, but things were rekindled again, and then Michael goes a head and pulls..


Michael suggested seeing a movie that had Keanu Reeves, knowing fully of Jeremy's fear of the man. Ignoring the terrified look in his eyes.

And when Jeremy began to panic, Michael didn't do anything, he just watched the movie leaving Rich to calm him down. When it got to the point where he was beginning to hyperventilate, Rich had to literally drag Jeremy out of the theater and into a bathroom. It was pretty challenging due to the high difference the two had, it would've been a lot easier if Michael helped, but ya know.

When Michael didn't see the two come back in ten minutes, he went to the bathroom as well. Rich didn't exactly take too kindly to that, especially once he saw the unassumed look on Michael's face, which only caused an argument to break out between the two. And that so happened to cause Jeremy to get upset again.

Michael then huffed loudly and said;

"He's just overreacting."

Then stormed out of the bathroom.

And now, two weeks later, the two are dating, and that angered Rich. But what really set him off, is seeing Jeremy so broken while he's around. Before that event happened, before the Squip situation, he was so happy around Michael. Now, he can't even smile, and Rich didn't know why. But he desperately missed that smile, the laugh, the glow on his face, the shine in his eyes, how you could basically see the hearts in his eyes when talking to/about Christine, or even Michael when he was over the girl.

Rich winced slightly hearing Jeremy gag loudly, trying to get whatever was stuck in his throat out. Hearing Jeremy gag, makes him want to gag, but being the supportive friend he is, he's swallowing any vomit that may erupt and is sticking by Jeremy's side. "I don't understand--" Jeremy horsily croaked out, immediately gaging after his sentence. Rich looked behind him to look at Jake, who only shook his head with a worried sigh, not understanding the situation either. "Is Michael an option?" Brooke called out from the bathroom door. Rich looked over hearing Jeremy gag again.

Then again, Jeremy gagged, but much louder, the contents in the back of his throat forcing out of his mouth. Rich's lip flickered in disgust, but the disgusted look was soon replaced with worried look. "Uh, Jake.." Rich slowly stood up, and winced once again when Jeremy threw up. "Jake!" Jake quickly walked into the stall and peered over Jeremy. "What the fuck..?!"

"What happened?" Brooke called out, but she didn't get an answer. She looked around the hall, making sure no one sees her, then walked into the boys bathroom, cringing at the smell. She saw Jake walk out of the stall, his hands gripping his hair, then began to pace. Brooke walked into the stall Rich and Jeremy were in. Jeremy is currently hovering over the toilet, breathing heavily. Brooke glanced into the toilet. She expected to see green, but she saw red. A lot of red. Her eyebrows furrowed seeing large bloomed flowers. "Did he-..?"

"He threw up flowers.."

Brooke's hand slowly moved to her mouth to cover a gasp. Rich glanced over to Brooke, then looked back to Jeremy, his hands were on the toilet seat, while he laid his head on his hands. Rich moved to his side of the stall and crouched beside him and began to rub his back comfortingly. "Now.. I'm- I'm no doctor but.." Brooke looked out of the stall to Jake, who stopped pacing and was on his phone reading.

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