Boyf Riends; Can You Do It Again?

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Hey-o, expect a small spam of me putting this stuff out. But since I also wrote RichJake, Pinkberry, Technical Difficulties and Deere, I have to find what's Boyf Riends and what's not, lol.
I present to you--

Young Boyf Riends being adorably gay.

Seven year old Michael walked into his best friend's room. Little six year old Jeremy was currently outside helping his father with the garden. Mr. Heere promised that Jeremy would be upstairs in a few minutes, and so, he sat on the newly bought beanbags Jeremy got for Christmas a few months back.

Michael boredly played with the zipper on his red sweater, waiting for his best friend. After a few minutes he heard small feet coming up from the stairs. Michael tilted his head far back and saw Jeremy come into the room, his bored look quickly changed into a large grin. "Jeremy!" Michael rolled over from the beanbag and ran over to the slightly shorter boy.

"Hi Michael." Jeremy gave a small smile. Michael's large grin fell a tiny bit. He knew things have been getting hard on the boy. His mother has been going out a lot, which has caused some arguments between his parents, but Michael as been there to cheer him up.

"Jer-bear, why don't we..." Michael looked around the room for ideas, then saw the small poster on the wall of a forest. "Why don't we go play in the treehouse?" Jeremy gave a small nod, and headed out of his room. Michael reached over to Jeremy's bed and grabbed a dark cyan bear. "Jerry." Michael called out before Jeremy wandered too far. "Heere."

Jeremy rolled his eyes at the pun, but caught the bear that was tossed to him. "I know Squip cheers you up." Michael said and Jeremy gave a small, embarrassed smile, the blush rising on his cheeks. Michael walked over to Jeremy and put his arm around the back of his neck, squishing their faces together. "C'mon!"


Jeremy climbed up the ladder after Michael, then gently threw Squip onto the wood floor, and went to pull himself up, but before he could, Michael reached out his hand to help him up, in which Jeremy took and Michael pulled him up. Jeremy sighed after being fully pulled up, then looked around for the bear.

"Michael?" Jeremy asked, ignoring Michael's grip tightening a bit. "Where's Squip?" He asked, looking over to Michael. Michael waved the bear in his free hand then handed it over to Jeremy. Jeremy took the bear and gave a small sigh in relief. "Squip is a weird name." Michael said, and in return, Jeremy only shrugged. "Where did you even get the name?" Jeremy looked up and bit the inside of his cheek.

"I don't know. It was just in a dream I had."


Michael looked behind them, and pulled Jeremy's hand, leading him to pile of pillows and blankets. Michael sat down on the pillows, jerking Jeremy down with him.

The two boys sat in a comfortable silence, holding each other's hands. Michael happily watched as Jeremy brushed the bear with his free hand, and gently rubbed his thumb against Michael's hand. "Jeremy," Michael started, leaning towards Jeremy a bit. Jeremy looked up at Michael.

"You know that thing that parents do?" He asked and Jeremy cocked his head. "What thing?" He asked. Michael looked to the side, a small blush forming. "The- the thing that only they do. When they put their lips together..?" Jeremy's face slowly began to turn red. "Wh- what about it?" He asked and Michael bit his bottom lip. "Well - um... Can I.. do it to you..?"

(This sounds so wrong, lmao. But hey, they're innocent little kids)

"But- but we're boys.." Jeremy pointed out, making Michael look up. "So?" Jeremy glanced to the side. "Are boys allowed to do that?" He nervously asked, and Michael quickly nodded his head. "Yeah! There's.. there's no rule against it." Jeremy looked back to Michael. "But.. Mrs. G says that it's a bad thing." Michael frowned.

"Mrs. G isn't our mom. Besides, who cares what she thinks?" Jeremy gave a thoughtful hum. "T-then I guess you can." Jeremy slowly agreed, his face turning more red. Michael gave a small smile and leaned over towards Jeremy. Instead of their lips being pressed together, their noses bumped. "Oh-"

"H-hold on."

Michael moved his free hand and tilted Jeremy's head to the side a bit. "Okay.. that should work.." Michael mumbled, then leaned forward again. When their lips pressed together both of the boy's breath hitched, and - in kid terms- it felt like an explosion, fire, or rather a firework.

Michael hesitantly pulled away a few inches, leaving the both of them breathless, and red faced. "Wow..." Jeremy breathed out, and Michael glanced down. "D-do you.. not like it..?"

"Can.. can you do it again?"

Michael looked up to him, a small grin on his lips, and nodded, and then proceeded to connect their lips again.
Honestly.. that's just fucking cute, lmao.
It's just so awkward between the two of them since they don't know the right word, lmao.
I don't have anything else to say.

Tree Bros and Boyf Riends One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now