Boyf Riends; I Like You a Lot

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This is the second part to "I Think I Like You.."

I present to you--

Jeremy proving he's gay for Micha

"You did WHAT?!"

Jeremy looked to the side, embarrassed. He's talking to his other friend named Jared, well, he can't say that they're friends, but they hang out sometimes. Jared gripped his stomach as he laughed, while Jeremy put his hands in the hem of his shirt, slowly losing patience. Jared began to calm down a bit. He then sighed, putting his hand on Jeremy's shoulder.

"Okay, tell me what happened exactly."

"Okay, well..."


"I think I like you."

Michael looked over to Jeremy, taken back by what he just said. Jeremy saw as Michael began to turn redder by the second. Jeremy felt a small pang in his heart hearing Michael give a small, nervous laugh. "Jerry," he started, not caring that he died in the game, he kept his eyes on Jeremy.

"That's just the high talkin'," he said, and Jeremy sat up and opened his mouth to object, but Michael cut him off. "You're high, Jeremy." He said, more sternly, making Jeremy sigh.

Michael doesn't know who's more sober, him or Jeremy, but he does know that he's beginning to sober up. And he knows- thinks- that Jeremy's mind isn't in the right place.

"Talk-.. talk to me when you're sober."

But Michael doubted Jeremy would remember.

(I don't know drugs, sorry mother, lmao)


Jared snickered again, and began to laugh once again, making Jeremy glare off to the side. "He basically rejected you." He said in between his laughs. Jeremy lightly smacked his arm, and Jared put his hands up in defense. "Okay, okay!" He cleared his throat and pushed up his glasses. Jeremy gave an unamused look seeing how Jared was trying to swallow his laugh.

"I don't understand how this is funny.." Jeremy said and Jared put his arm around him. "Oh, Jeremiah. I bet you even noticed this," Jared started, turning Jeremy around and made him look in the left, at Michael. "You know he likes you, right?" Jared said in a tone that made a chill go up Jeremy's spine, Jared isn't one to speak seriously. "..yeah." he mumbled and Jared glanced at him.

"I can bet that Michael has been waiting to hear you say "I like you", but when he does hear it, he basically rejected you because you were half-high." Jared said, removing his arm from Jeremy's shoulder, and Jeremy sighed. He didn't understand why Jared is being so.. helpful and serious, but he'd use it to his advantage, since Jared is kind enough to offer. "Well.."

"What should I do?" Jeremy added and Jared put his hands in his pocket. "Come on, dumbass! Use your brain, is it in there?" Jeremy raised an eyebrow, as Jared turned half way. "If you like someone, what do you do?" He asked, then walked away leaving Jeremy alone. Jeremy hummed in thought, and slowly put his hands in his sweater pocket, ignoring the bell ringing.


Jeremy looked to the side and saw Michael there with a grin. Before Jeremy could say anything, Michael put his arm around the back of Jeremy's neck. "Wanna come over today?" He asked and Jeremy only nodded. Michael moved his arm away and slapped Jeremy's back, making Jeremy tumble forward a bit. "Are we going to do the same thing as yesterday?" Jeremy asked, turning to Michael. Michael's face fell a bit, but tried to play it off, and unfortunately for him, Jeremy noticed it. He also noticed that Michael paled a bit. Michael cleared his throat and gave a shrug. "If- if you want to."

Michael awkwardly averted his eyes, his hands deep in his pockets. It was awkward, the silence was awkward, they were awkward. Jeremy sighed when the bell rang once again."Let's.." Michael started, and began to walk past Jeremy. "Let's go to class.." He mumbled.

"Ah- Michael." Jeremy unconsciously called out, and then glared to the side at himself. When Jeremy looked back, Michael was already facing him, waiting for him to speak.

If you like someone, what do you do?

You tell them.

If they don't believe you, what now?

You prove it.

"Um- Mi-Michael, I- uhhh.." Jeremy nervously cleared his throat, and began to fidget, then he looked down at the floor. Michael raised an eyebrow at him, and walked over to him. "What's up?" When Jeremy saw Michael's sneakers come into his line of sight, he looked up. Jeremy met his eyes, and quickly looked away, his face growing red.

(Hrng, cringe)

"About-.. about yesterday.." he started, making Michael's eyes widen a tiny bit, but took a quiet deep breath, and let Jeremy continue. For all he knows, Jeremy could be asking for what happened, but then he heard; "I'm serious." Michael looked away for a second when Jeremy looked up, a nervous smile on Michael's face. "Wh-What?" He asked, and moved his hand up to his neck to rub hit. Jeremy gave a small smile at that. "I like you."

"A lot." Jeremy added, then glanced down for a second. "Michael, I like you a lot." Michael dropped his hand, his face beginning to grow redder than it already was. Jeremy couldn't keep his eyes on him anymore, he was too embarrassed, and so, he looked down, his own face burning up. Jeremy furrowed his eyebrows feeling his eyes start to sting.

Michael ran his fingers through his hair with a sigh. "You really do make me speechless sometimes, Jeremiah.." Michael mumbled, and Jeremy was getting ready for a second rejection. Michael looked down at Jeremy's eyes, it's not like he could see much, but he did see that he was going to cry. "Hey.." Michael mumbled, putting both of his hands on the side of Jeremy's face, making him look up to him. "Why are you crying?" He asked with a gentle laugh. Jeremy's glossy eyes widened a bit when Michael leaned forward and kissed his nose. "You don't need to cry."

Michael moved his hands away from Jeremy's face and pulled him into a hug. "I like you too, Jeremy." He said, waiting for any sort of react from the shorter boy. Michael smiled hearing Jeremy give a small laugh, and returned the hug.
I can make a sequel if people want. When they're in their junior year.
Anyways, that's it for now.

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