Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes and found myself on my bed. Wait, I was standing a few feet away from the bed before I fainted. How the hell did I get to my bed?!

"You're awake now." I heard a voice. It's that voice. I quickly sat up and looked around the room and then the guy (or should I say ghost) emerged from the curtains by my window.

"Hello!" He greeted me cheerfully.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"Oh, me? I'm Jayden." He replied then he went on to my bed and started hopping and seriously, I can feel the bed bounce like he's a real human being hopping on it. Not to mention that he's the type of guy who grew up physically yet the maturity level remains at the twelve year old.

"Can you please stop?" I said.

He stopped, "Sorry." He said then sat down.

"What do you want from me? Why are you here?" I asked.

"Whoa... Whoa... Slow down. One question at a time." He said.

"Okay. What do you want from me?"

"I need your help."


Jayden sighed, "As you know, I am a ghost and I want to know what happened to me." He said.

"I'm not a psychic, okay? Go and ask some other person for help." I said.

"But you're the only one who's around that can see me without getting afraid and would give a damn about me. I know that my body hasn't still been buried because I haven't seen the 'light' yet." He responded. "What I wanted to know was what happened to my bandmates and I and where are they."

"Without getting afraid?! Are you fuckin' kidding me?! You almost scared me to death yesterday when my family and I moved into this house and you even followed me home then you showed up inside the mirror and dude, I don't even know you nor your bandmates. How am I supposed to help you?" I said.

"I will help you. We will help each other." He said.

"Oh Lord..." I groaned.

"That's blasphemy." He said as raised an eyebrow at me.

"Shut up!" I said then I threw a pillow to his face but it went through. "Hahaha you missed." He said as he poked his tongue out at me. "I'm a ghost, remember?"

I sighed, "Okay fine. I will help you." I said.

--The Next Day--

"Okay so at the end of this month, I will be on my school holidays so maybe we can use those two weeks in finding out what really happened to you and your bandmates and their exact location." I said as I finished putting on my necktie. "Are you cool with that?"

No reply from him was heard. I looked around and he was nowhere to be found again but I know that he's still here because I can feel his presence.

"Jayden, if you're trying to scare me, it's not gonna work now. I can sense that you're around." I said.

"I hate your sixth-sense." Jayden spoke up as he went out of the mirror and then he sat down on the bed while facing me.

I smirked, "Okay, here's the thing, I will let you come with me to school today BUT do not talk to me." I said.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Are you really that clueless? Jayden, you are a ghost and only people who have sixth-sense like me can only see you and I bet, I'm the only one who has that in my school. Do you want me to be labelled as a freak? As a crazy person in our school?" I said.

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