Chapter 12

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I'm in a comatose. My girlfriend is cheating on me. Andrea walked out on me. I still haven't found any tears of pure love.


Can this get any more worse?

I sighed and looked at my earthly body sleeping on the bed. "When will I be able to get my first tear of pure love?" I asked myself. "But the real question here is: how will I be able to find my first tear of pure love? Andrea walked out on me."

Damn it Jayden. You should've just kept your mouth shut at that time and continued to bawled your eyes out over some bitch who broke your heart.

I sighed wearily and Dad came in. He sat on the empty mono block chair beside my bed and looked at me for a moment.

"Hey Jayden." He said then pursed his lips as he looked up at the ceiling and it was then that I realised that he was about to cry. "I know that you can hear me. Jayden, your bandmates need you. The Collective would be incomplete without you… Without a Jayden Sierra in the group. I know you've waited and worked hard to reach your dream so please don't give up my son."

Then he patted my shoulder. "I won't rush you. Take all the time that you need. We are all here, waiting for you." He said while his voice was shaking.

I smiled sadly knowing that Tayla is not waiting for me at all because obviously, someone's got her attention all along. I don't really feel like I still want to continue fighting. After I found out that my girlfriend has been cheating on me, I just wanted to give these all up. In short, I just wanna die.  And all of a sudden, Dad just burst out crying.

"So what now? Can you really stand your father crying?" Scheduler said.

"Why do you always pop out of nowhere?! You scared me!" I said.

"Stop changing the topic dude." He said and I sighed. "Jayden, time is running fast. You only have 39 days left. If you keep going on that same pace then you probably won't get any pure love tears."

"They wouldn't cry for me. Nobody wants to cry for me, okay? And besides, there's no point if I lived. My girlfriend will surely break up with me as soon as I get the hell out of this hospital." I said.

"And so? So what if she'll break up with you? She's not worth it man. You'll surely meet another girl out there and if you die, what will happen to your band? To The Collective?"

I stopped and thought about it. "Didn't you always wanted to break in to the music industry?" Scheduler added. "You chose to become a singer instead of being a soccer player."

True. I gave up playing soccer for this. My dream. And I shouldn't let all of these to go into waste.

"But what will I do now? Andrea walked out on me because I had a go at her." I said.

"I don't know. It's your problem. Solve it yourself." He said.

"But Scheduler-!" I protested and just with a blink of an eye, he was gone. "Great." Dad stood up from his seat and headed to the door so I followed him until outside.

I saw Mia, my little sister, sitting on a bench with Mum while hugging the teddy bear that I gave to her when I got home from one of our gigs.

"Is Jayden awake now?" Mia asked Dad. He sat beside her and hugged her tight, "Not yet Mia." He said. "He's still asleep."

"Why is he taking so long to wake up? He's been asleep for like two days." She said. Mum turned her to face her, "Listen… Mia, your elder brother is in a comatose." She finally admitted.

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