Chapter 7

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After that incident, Austin thanked me for listening. My, he looks like Jayden a lot and it scares me.

"So what are you going to do now?" I asked Austin.

"Uh... Buy ice cream?" He answered.

"Wrong answer. You should go back to your school and show them that you're strong... That you don't need sympathy at all from them." I said. He smiled, "Okay." He responded then he left.

I looked at Jayden and he was watching Austin walk out of the doors of the mall. "You'll be with them again." I assured him in a low voice then we started walking but then he stopped and put a hand on his chest. "What's wrong?"

"I... I suddenly can't breathe." He said.


Then realization hit me like a train.

His body!

Something is happening to his body!


I drove as quickly as I could to get over to Mel's place. I was so succumbed to that awkward meeting between Zach and Julian a while ago that I didn't realize that I was supposed to pick her up.

I hopped out of my car and knocked on her door. The door opened and she went out.

"God, took you time to get here boy." Mel sassed as she walked over to the car. "You know that I wanted to see how Jayden is and then you suddenly make me wait for hours, then here I am feeling unsure if you remembered that you're supposed to drive me there once I got home from work!"

"I'm so sorry Mel. It's just that I got stuck between an awkward meeting." I said and she gave me a confused look.

"Okay, so the good-old Zach Russell came to visit Jayden at the hospital then the ever so sensitive Julian De Vizio comes out from the loo and well, the two almost had a go at each other. You know the story between those two, right?" I explained then I held both of her hands. "Anyway, I'm sorry I was late. I'm an idiot, I know."

"Forgiven but I don't want this to happen again." She said.

"I promise, my queen."

"Do it then, my king."

Then we smiled at each other and kissed.


"What's happening?" I asked John, Jayden's father. I can tell that he's been crying all this time, judging from his red puffy eyes.

"Jayden's heart stopped beating." John said.

Holy shit.

"What?!" Julian said with a worried tone in his voice.

A few minutes later, the doctor came out.

"How is my son?" John asked him.

"His heart stopped beating for a moment but we were able to revive him so it's all good. However, there's still no assurance when will he wake up. You have one tough kid, mister." The doctor replied then excused himself and left.

I went in and walked towards where Jayden is and it killed me as his band mate that he's on that bed with lots of things connected to him. And his face... It's almost unrecognizable due to the hard blow that he took when he was thrown out of the car.

"Jayden, I know you can hear me. Listen, you will wake up from that bed and take off all of these stupid tubes on you. Please fight, Jayden. Fight for the sake of the people you love and most of all, for your sake." I whispered while crying softly. "We still have a lot of gigs to do. Remember that girl who made us a portrait of ourselves? She still needs to see you in your new haircut so that she can draw a new portrait of you. Fight, Jayden. Fight."

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