Chapter 6

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"Why don't you want them to perform the house blessing Andrea?" Mum asked me the next morning.

"Because I don't think they can!" I said.

"Andrea, this is for your own good. We don't want any other entities latching onto you and into this house." Dad said while reading a newspaper.

"But Mum!? Dad?!"

"Our decision is final. We will ask them to do a house blessing in this house whether you like it or not." Mum concluded.


School holidays came and here I am in the house with Jayden, lazily lying on my bed. My parents are out for work. They actually had called the people who would bless the place and we were scheduled for next week. "What are we going to do now? Your parents are all set in doing the house blessing." Jayden said.

I sighed, "I don't know Jayden..." I said.

"I'm sorry Andrea." He said.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"You're having a hard time because of me. I'm so sorry."

I sighed and remembered his suggestion: Try to be friends with Trent. No! No! That is so wrong! I can't pretend to be someone else's friend but oh well, seems like I have no choice. But how will I do that? I don't even know where he lives and I only met him once.


I get his manager's number.

"Hey Jayden, do you know the number of your manager? Maybe I could use that to call him directly and ask which hospital you're in." I asked in a low voice so people won't know that I am talking to a ghost which is thin air mainly to their eyes.

Jayden put his hands in his pocket, "I don't think that would work Andrea. He wouldn't give that much of information." He said then he stopped walking again.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's Austin, my younger brother!" He said then he started to follow a kid with brown hair and... Well, looks like a mini-version of Jayden although Austin's eyes are more slant than Jayden's.

"Wait, isn't he supposed to be on school holidays as well? Most schools around the area have started their holidays." I said.

"They still have this week left. I know that because I heard him tell Mum and Dad months ago before I had that terrible accident and was put into coma..." He replied.

"What the hell is he doing all alone here?! It's still class hours!" He added.

"Looks like someone has a rebel brother." I said.

Jayden gave me the 'really' look then turned his gaze back to his brother, "I'm gonna literally kick his ass once I get back to my body!" He muttered.

"So what do you wanna do now?"

"I wanna scold him! I wanna call dad and let him discipline Austin but I can't because I'm a ghost!"

"You're not really fully a ghost yet, you know that, right?"

"Whatever but it sucks being in this situation, to be honest."

"Really? I can't tell that Jayden." I replied sarcastically. And again, he shot me a look. I took a deep breath, "Alright, I'll talk to Austin for you." I said.


"Yes so you better stick with me so you can hear what he's saying."

I sat down on the bench where his brother was sitting and judging from his face, he looked like he just cried or something.

Oh My Ghost!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora