Chapter 3

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"Wake up Andrea! Wake up!" Jayden said.

"Shut up." I grumbled as I pulled the covers over me.

"Andrea, you have school today." He said.

"I know." I said.

And then I felt my bed bouncing. "ANDREA! GET YOUR LAZY ASS OFF THE BED! YOU HAVE SCHOOL!" He said.

Annoyed, I threw my pillow at him but it just went through. "I think you forgot that I'm a ghost." He said while smiling cheekily.

"I hate you." I said.

"Aw... That's not nice. I love you." He said.


"O-Oh what I mean is that... Um... Uh..."

"Too early for bullshit Jayden. Too early." Then I put my head back down onto my bed. "Get up Andrea!" He said as he continued to jump.

"Oh my God! Seriously Jayden!" I said in frustration and sat up on the bed. He stopped and sat down too while facing me, his bubbly eyes meeting my gaze.

"Yay! Finally, you decided to get up." He said while smiling goofily.

"Yeah, thanks to you." I said with a tone of sarcasm. "You know what? If you weren't just a ghost, I could've thrown you out of the window."

"As if you can do that."

"Oh yes I can Jayden. You're just the same height as me, I did karate training for 5 months and I seriously can take you down any minute right now."

"Now I'm scared."

"You should be."

Then we both cracked up laughing. "Andrea, honey, wake up now. Breakfast is ready." Mum called outside my door.

"Coming mum." I said then I went out and walked down to the dining room to join Mum and Dad for breakfast while Jayden just stood awkwardly at the corner. Well, he's a ghost. He can't eat, nor sleep.

"So how was your new school?" Dad asked.

"I'd say it's alright." I said. No joke. The school has a good curriculum although it's just full of bitches and jerks.

"I thought you're gonna say it's great." He said.

"Dad, it's school. How can a place that tortures your brain five days a week be great?" I shot back and he and Mum laughed. I glanced at Jayden from the corner of the room and he, too,  was laughing but there was one thing that I noticed about him. His eyes... They were full of longing and loneliness.

After I got dressed up for school, I started making my way to the bus stop with Jayden by my side. "So what was that look back there?" I asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jayden said.

"Jayden, don't try to deny it. I saw it. I saw that 'look' in your eyes."

He sighed, "I just miss my family and bandmates, that's all. I miss performing with Trent, Julian and Will." He said. "I miss singing in front of other people."

"Then sing." I said.


"Sing. Don't worry, I will be the only one who can hear you so it's all good."

He smiled then he started to sing and his voice is like the perfect thing in the world right now. Somehow, his voice sounds familiar. I think I've heard his voice somewhere.

"Is it good?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said. "You deserved to be in a boyband." And he smiled at me. The bus came and I hopped in with Jayden, paid the fare then went to my seat. I got off at my stop which was in front of our school and then made my way to the oval where I can be by myself... Not really all by myself since Jayden is with me at the moment.

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