Chapter 5

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After our gig that night, I really don't know what happened. I woke up on the other side of the road, my bandmates are missing, too many people around... I tried searching for them around that massive crowd but I didn't find them.

I tried asking other people around but they seemed not hear me nor see me. I walked and walked until I passed by a shop that's full of mirrors and found out that I have no reflection. And that's when it hit me--- I was nearly dead and I need to find my body as soon as possible.

So many questions were running through my mind right now... Like where can I find my physical body? Who can I ask? My bandmates are not here.

I continued to walk down along some unknown neighbourhood until I saw this girl standing outside a house and judging from all the stuff from the car beside her, I'm guessing that she's moving in.

I tried not to creep but I did anyway and to my surprise, this girl can see me and it even proved my theory right when she told me that she has a sixth-sense and that means she can see everything--- As in ghosts, demons, angels etc. From the moment that I saw her, I knew she's the one who will be able to help me.

I watched Andrea sleep peacefully on the bed when suddenly, I felt this strong force of evilness in the air. It's like someone is watching both of us and it meant harm to both Andrea and I.

Just then, a man... No, a dog. Shit, no! A horse? Fuck! I don't even know! It doesn't look like it belongs here on earth. Determined to protect Andrea from this thing, I pounced towards the thing and had a brawl with him but it was so strong that it was able to threw me on the other side of the room.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I heard Andrea's eardrum piercing scream. I quickly stood up and saw the thing on top of Andrea, its fangs nearly touching her neck. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! MUM! DAD!!!"

I grabbed that horrible entity off her and threw it off the floor. I rushed towards Andrea, "Hey... Hey... It's alright now. I'm here." I said as I cupped her heart-shaped face.

Just then, her parents came in. "What's wrong honey?" Her mum asked.

"I saw 'it'! I saw 'it'! I saw 'it' again! 'It' followed us here, mum!!!" Andrea cried hysterically and her mum and dad looked at each other, as if they have the same plan going through their heads.


"It's like a dog." Andrea narrates. "Well, based from the body shape, I think it is. It's got red eyes... And sharp teeth... It also has got two horns on the top of its head..." The two exorcists looked at her intently, taking all of the information that they've gathered from her.

"And you said that it follows you?" The guy whose name is Ricky, questioned. Andrea just nodded.

"That's why we moved into a new house because the previous houses that we lived in are haunted." Andrea's mum chimed in.

"Give me your hand." The woman named Aimee said and so Andrea reached out her hand to her. For a moment, Aimee was closing her eyes then she opened her eyes. "It's not the houses' fault. The demon latched itself onto you ever since you were a kid."

"What?! How come?! I go to Church with my parents every Sunday!" Andrea said.

"But you sleep through the priest's sermon." She said and Andrea sunk back onto her seat.

"But... How come it latched itself onto me? I mean, I do not perform any activities involving the demon."

"In your first house, do you always go to that big oak tree at the back of your house?"

"Yeah. What's the connection of that to this?"

"The demon lives there and because you always go there, the demon has taken its liking on you so now he's following you. He wants your soul, Andrea." Then she looked at me as if she can really see me... Or maybe she really can... And turned back to Andrea and her parents "We need to do a blessing of the house."


"WHAT?!" I said as I stood up in shock. "Like right away?!"

"Yes, the sooner, the better." Ricky said in a stern voice.


"Why not? I don't see anything wrong with that." Dad said nonchalantly.

"No... You don't understand!" I said.

"Well, it's settled then. When will you do the blessing of the house?" Mum asked them.

"In two weeks time." Aimee said then she turned to me. "Andrea, can we talk outside?" I nodded and we went out of the house.

"Aimee... You can't perform a house blessing just yet. Please, not by this week or next week." I said desperately.

"Why not?" Aimee asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

I took a deep breath, "Because... Okay, so there was this guy named Jayden and he's a ghost. He asked help from me to get back to his body and so I agreed." I said. "Now, if you will perform a house blessing in our house, you will not only banish all the bad spirits around this land but Jayden as well."

"Is he the guy from The Collective?" She asked.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"I saw him the first time I entered your house. I thought he's a human but when I looked on the ground, I found out that he doesn't have any shadow and besides, I always see him on the magazines with his bandmates and I've also read the article about their fatal accident." She responded then looked at me intently. "Andrea, you have to back out. You will just get yourself into trouble!"

"He's a good spirit Aimee." I said.

"I know he is but the fact that there are other things that are preventing you from fulfilling your mission... Like that demon who attacked you." She said.

"But Jayden protected me."

"I know he did but he can't protect you all the time. Sooner or later, all of his energy will be used up and he would be left with no other choice but to walk into the 'light'."

"NO. I am not backing out. I will help Jayden and I will prove to you that I can bring him back to his body as soon as possible."

Aimee smirked, "Suit yourself." She said.


That night, I lied on the bed while Jayden sat down beside me. "Why are you quiet?" I asked Jayden.

"What?" he asked.

"You're not talking. What's wrong?"

Jayden sighed and stared at me with his brown eyes, "I'm sorry if I'm causing you all of this trouble." He said. "You're in your final year of high school... You should be focusing on your studies instead of dealing with a ghost like me."

I sat up and chuckled, "Jayden, I agreed to help you because I wanted to. Not because I was forced to or because you're Jayden Thomas Sierra of The Collective." I replied. "Believe it or not, we're friends now."

He grinned then looked at my window, "What about the blessing of the house?" he asked.

"I'll try to convince Mum and Dad to postpone that." I said like it was an easy thing to do. "Now, I'm gonna sleep because I'm tired. I'll talk to you in the morning. Night Jayden." Then I wrapped the blanket around my body and thought of ways how to convince Mum and Dad to postpone the blessing of the house until I fell asleep.

Oh My Ghost!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang