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3rd POV
A few weeks ago, the girls turned 13, now teenagers, Dave, who is now 3, are with Yang in the kitchen. Y/N went hunting for Grimm with Zwei.
Yang POV
Flashback an hour ago
Me: Y/N, you are on stubborn man
Y/N: what? I like to hunt
Me: by your eye and arm
Y/N: it's fine, I've been through worse
Me: name one
Y/N: when I saw you lose your arm
Me: Y/N, that was almost 20 years ago
Y/N: and it still haunts me that I could've helped you avoid the accident
Me: Y/N...it was destiny
Y/N: I know
Me: come home safely, I'm making your favorite
Y/N: OH HELL YA I'll be home in an hour or two
Me: be safe
Y/N: I always am
Zwei ran from under my legs and jumped on his shoulder
Y/N: you Zwei are one nutty dog
He then walked away, ready to hunt
Flashback end
Olivia: hey Ma, I have a question for you
Me: what is it Olivia?
Olivia: well at school, there's this guy I like
Me: really?, what's his name
Olivia: Anthony, he's coming over tonight
I immediately froze
Me: tonight?
Olivia: yeah, I figured that since today is Friday that it would be better, I expected you to take this better
Me: well i'm happy that you like someone, but your father is what I'm worried about
Y/N *outside*: who the fuck are you
Olivia: oh no
????: I'm Anthony, a friend of Olivia
Me: I never heard of an Anthony before
Olivia then opened the door.
Olivia: Anthony, come in, Dad I need to talk to you
She closed the door behind her after Anthony walked in
Me: who is that?
Olivia: a boy I like
Me: Why didn't you tell me he was coming over
Olivia: well you would've said no
Me: yeah, I'm about to tell him to get out
Olivia: no daddy wait, 2 hours of your life, and I promise you that you will like him
Me: he says one thing that I don't like I'm throwing him out, personally
Olivia: please dad, don't embarrass me
Me: you should've thought about that before telling me.
I walked in, I saw Elizabeth playing a video game. Everything was normal besides that mop head Anthony.
Olivia: Anthony that's my sister Elizabeth, this is my mother Yang, and you've already met my father
He got up to shake my hand. I looked down at it and shook it, this fucker has a limp ass hand shake.
Yang: so how did you meet Olivia
Anthony: she approached me in Art class, we spoke for a few weeks, then she invited me over.
Me: fascinating
Anthony: she works wonders, like the hands of a goddess
Me: alright I'm going to go punch a tree, then I'll be back in
I then left the room with Zwei following.
Yang POV
Anthony: is he always like that
Me: nah, I don't think he would punch a tree
Y/N *outside*: SON OF A BITCH
The sound of wood breaking was outside.
Me: Is everything alright honey
Y/N *outside*: PEACHY
He walked back in and sit down, his knuckle was bleeding.
Y/N: is dinner ready?
Me: yes it is
I walked over and placed the food on the table, everyone sat down and started eating.
Y/N: so Mop head....what do you do for your free time
Anthony: well I normally protest
Y/N dropped his fork and knife
Y/N: protest what?
Olivia: oh no
Anthony: well the military
Y/N: you mean to tell me that you're against the people who help protect your Humpty Dumpty Sorry ass
Olivia: Dad!!
Me: Y/N....please
Y/N picked up his fork and knife and started eating again.
Me: so tell me...what do you plan to do Anthony
Anthony: well I plan to get a job as a dentist
Anthony: what's so funny
Y/N: I'm sorry, with that limp ass handshake I'd expect you to be Dr. Toothfairy
Anthony: please sir, I don't want to fight, I'm a pacifist
Y/N looked at me with disbelief and to Olivia who was hiding her face, completely red with embarrassment.
Y/N: say one more fucked thing and I'm throwing you out
Anthony: fine whatever old man
Y/N got up and smashed Anthony's head on the table. He grabbed him by his belt and deadlocks and carried him out and threw him.
Y/N: go near any of my kids again and I'll beat you like a piñata
He then slammed the door, he was in a fit of rage
Y/N: You are not dating anyone until I meet them first hand young lady
Olivia: god dad, why did you do that, I liked him
Y/N: Olivia I raised you to be a fighter, not a cock sucker
Olivia: oh yeah, what was mom like when you met her
Y/N: a gorgeous party girl, all I see is a future psychopath
Elizabeth: this is good food mom
Olivia: why can't I have any control of my life anymore
Y/N: you can when you move out and have a place of your own
Olivia: God you're so annoying
Y/N: I am your father Olivia, you have to respect that
Olivia: Fuck you
She then ran up the stairs before Y/N could process what she just said
Y/N: did she say what I think she just said?
I shook my head yes
A door slammed upstairs
Y/N: god dammit
Me: listen Y/N I know it's tough, but you have to understand that girls her age are looking for boyfriends
Y/N: I know....I just hate to see my little girl grow up, It was like yesterday I was feeding her
Me: I know it's tough, I'll go talk to her if that will make you feel better
Y/N: please
I walked up to Olivia's room and opened the door
Me: hey Olivia
Olivia: why....why did he have to embarrass me
Me: it's just his way, he loves you very much
Olivia: what was Grandpa like when he met Dad
Me: he was skeptical, man he was pissed when he proposed I can tell you that
Olivia: did you tell Grandpa or Grandma about him and you
Me: well I don't talk to Grandma, that's a lot of history I don't want to get into, and I didn't, after a while your father grew on him and now they won't stop talking to eachother at parties
Olivia: if it's alright....would it be alright if I'm left alone for a bit
Me: take all the time you need, and if you need anything holler
Olivia: thanks Mom
Me: anytime kid
I closed the door and started walking back downstairs

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