The Legend will Live

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3rd POV
Y/N was driving home, Yang texted him about a New arm coming in the mail. He was humming his favorite song until his car abruptly stopped.
Y/N: what the hell?
He got up and checked underneath the car, a tooth was stuck in it.
Y/N: how the hell?
From no where the car flipped and hit a tree. Y/N quickly got up and saw the Te Deum.
Y/N: bastard!
He pulled out his sword.
Y/N: Weiss gave me that car as a gift!
The Te Deum roared and it charged Y/N. He tried to dodge but the Grimm grabbed and started dragging him through the woods, hitting everything.
Y/N: This brings back memories!
The Grimm threw him into the tree, making his ribs crack. He got up as quickly as he could and slashed at it, it started to bleed slightly.
Elizabeth POV
I was petting Cheeseburger, I'm glad I finally have a friend got first period, and Jason is in here too.
Jason: how are they letting you keep that?
Me: I honestly don't know
Jason: so....this is Trig?
Me: yeah, to be honest it's one of my easiest classes!
I felt my scroll vibrate. The teacher looked over at me.
Scriven: no scrolls in Math
Me: I'm sorry Mrs. Scriven, this is very important, my mom is calling
Scriven: *sigh* be quick, step out side
I went outside the classroom and I answered the call
Me: hello?
Mom: thank god, have you heard from your father, he isn't answering his scroll
Me: the last time I saw him was when he was fighting a stalker, then he left for home
Mom: if you hear anything, let me know immediately
Me: alright, I will
I hung up the scroll and put it in my pocket and I went back it.
3rd POV
Y/N jumped up and kicked his sword into the Grimm's rib. It roared in pain, Y/N used this to his advantage and pulled it out, jumped up again and kicked the sword right into the Te Deum's eye.
Y/N: well, eye made my mark
The Grimm looked at him and whipped him with its tail, into a branch and making him fall to the ground. The Grimm towered over Y/N and went to finish him, but Y/N used all his strength to stop the bite. The Te Deum roared as it swung Y/N into the tree, breaking the rest of his ribs.
Y/N: so.......*cough* I guess this is where it ends
The Te Deum growled
Y/N: but I'll fight to my last breath
He pulled a knife out of his boot and threw it into its chest. It roared before grabbing him.
Y/N: the Legend will live on, I will not be the Last Dark Swordsman
The Grimm threw Y/N up and snapped him in half. It then roared, echoing through the area.
Elizabeth POV
I heard the sound of roaring....I knew that roar....the Te Deum...
Jason: what's going on out there?
Me: I don't know
3rd POV
Qrow and Raven soared through the sky.
Qrow: it has to be here somewhere
Raven: look!
They saw the Te Deum walking, they noticed Y/N's sword in its eye.
Raven: where's Y/N
They then saw birds swarming the sky in one area.
Qrow: oh God!
They flew over, then transforming back to normal, they saw Y/N.!
Raven: Qrow?
Qrow was angry, he had tears running down his face
Qrow: tell her that Y/N died....I'm going after that thing
Raven grabbed his wrist
Raven: you'll die if you go after it, Y/N is stronger than both of us, and look what happened, don't let your anger cloud your judgement, we'll get revenge, but for now, we need to worry about the girls and Yang
Qrow sighed, he knew Raven was right.
Qrow: lets.....go
They transformed into birds and flew to the house, where Yang was waiting for news of Y/N

Alright before you guys come at me with a pitchfork, I have a plan with this, and well as you guys can see, the Te Deum is this books big antagonist.

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