Battle for a Fallen Swordsman

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3rd POV
The Te Deum roared and then smashed its foot on a King Taijitu. Both heads were going in opposite directions, trying to get away. The Te Deum used its claws and grabbed the black head and ripped its head off, swallowing it. It then proceeded to bite off more pieces, making the Grimm roar in pain, until finally it was silenced and the Te Deum continued to eat. Qrow and Raven were flying towards it
Raven: do you see anything yet?
Qrow: no not yet
From beneath them the Te Deum launched up and tried to snap them, they luckily dodged and they flew back.
Qrow: found it
The Grimm started chasing them through the forest. They were faster than it, but it didn't give up easily. They made it to the girls while that thing was another few miles away. They quickly turned back and ran towards them.
Raven: it's that way....and it's coming.
They all readied their weapons and were prepared for a fight. For a few minutes they waited.
Olivia: where is it?
Raven: I don't know
The ground under them began to crack as the Te Deum broke through and roared.
Qrow: there it is!
It stood up out of the ground and roared again.
Raven: watch yourselves, it's unpredictable.
They all charged the Te Deum as it readied itself for a fight. Olivia looked at it, seeing the sword in its eye.
Olivia: daddy.....
The Grimm hit her into one of the trees, she quickly recovered and charged it. Elizabeth punched it in the leg, making it fall. Jason shot it with the shotgun, making some blood come out. John jumped up and slammed it, making electricity spark with each hit.
John: you know, this is a lot easier than I thought
He was then whacked by the claws of the beast, making him slide across  he ground. The Te Deum got up, the dust shells started popping out of its body.
Elizabeth was hit by the Te Deum's tail, knocking her to the ground. John jumped up and kicked the Grimm in the face, creating sparks and knocking it to the side a few feet. The Grimm roared at him and went to snap him. Qrow came up and slashed it. It then roared at Qrow, quickly healing its wounds.
Qrow: Son of a bitch! How do we kill it?
Raven: I only know one person who did it, and she's dead!
Qrow: HOW!
Raven: spring maiden, she used vines and cut off its limbs
The Grimm roared as Elizabeth grabbed its tail.
Elizabeth: OLIVIA! NOW!
Olivia ran up the tail and started slicing at it, until finally slicing off its arm.
Olivia: I did it! I HURT IT!
Jason: uh Olivia
Olivia: What?!
She turned around to see the Te Deum looking at its nub, it then roared as it grew back into a full functioning hand.
Olivia: oh.....well damn
It then hit her into the sky, John ran over and caught her.
John: caught ya
Olivia: thanks....I owe ya one
John: how does a date sound?
Olivia: how cute, next week we'll do it, now please put me down so we can kill this thing
The Te Deum's eye became brighter, it then roared loudly, making everyone cover their ears. Its spine glowed a little bit as it roared again.
Qrow: what's it doing?
Olivia: RUN!
It bent down a little as it roared again, making a giant sound wave, pushing the team back, flying down the street. Olivia and Elizabeth landed and quickly got up, everyone else was incredibly hurt, Jason broke his leg and John had a few broken ribs. Qrow's arm was broken and Raven was bleeding bad.
John: what about you?!
Olivia smiled at John, she then turned her head and got prepared.
John: Olivia, you're not fighting this thing alone
Elizabeth: she's not alone, I'm here with her, we'll be fine, get going before she starts to cry
Olivia: I'm not going to cry!
Elizabeth: that's not what I heard
Jason: Elizabeth...Olivia....I believe in you both
They both smiled, the Grimm looked at them, it's spine stopped glowing and it began to growl
Olivia: remember the Ursa....well now we're prepared to fight anything
Elizabeth: for the people this thing killed
Olivia: for all the hearts it broke
Elizabeth and Olivia: and for dad! A man who fought for what he believed in!
They both charged the Grimm as it roared, expelling a dark aura as its eye shined brighter.

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