The Last Stand

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3rd POV
The girls jumped up, they were attacking with coordination. Olivia spun up and slashed the Te Deum makes it roar and Elizabeth was shooting the dust from her weapons. It roared in pain, it then used its tail and sweeper across the fight, they both jumped over it. The Te Deum roared, creating sound waves, putting them both through trees.
Olivia: Elizabeth!
Elizabeth caught herself and charged the Te Deum.
Elizabeth: GRAH!
She jumped and aimed right for the sword, the Grimm caught her in midair and threw her to the ground, creating a plume of dirt. She quickly got up and spit out some blood.
Elizabeth: Olivia, they were right, it's unpredictable
Olivia: yeah.....I can see why it's the most dangerous.
Elizabeth: lets attack like there's no tomorrow, which may actually happen If we don't kill it.
Olivia: damn straight
The Te Deum charged Olivia and stabbed her while she wasn't looking, then threw her to the side.
Elizabeth: NO!...,,YOU BASTARD!
A huge explosion came from Elizabeth, her hair is flowing with the fire and her eyes went from e/c to red. She launched at the Te Deum with break neck speeds and punched it in the face. She ran over to Olivia
Elizabeth: Olivia are you alright
Olivia: that a bitch
Elizabeth: we'll get you out of here
Olivia: no....kill it, I'll do everything in my power to help
Elizabeth: you'll bleed out
Olivia: so be it, I'm fighting this thing to the end.
A dark aura began expelling from her body
Elizabeth: Olivia?
The dark aura broke and Olivia was wearing black armor, and the sword was fixed of any damages it had in the fight
Elizabeth: uh....what happened?!
Olivia looked at herself and smiled
She pulled out the newly fixed sword and charged the Grimm with Elizabeth. The Te Deum roared, trying to push to two girls back, but their semblances kept them going. The Grimm looked surprised as it slammed down on Olivia with its claws. She stopped the claws and pulled off its arm. It was growing back but they both attacked while it healed. Olivia slashed its side and Elizabeth punched the sword, making the Te Deum roar in pain. It looked at Elizabeth and growled. Olivia then jumped up and was right above the Te Deum.
Olivia: For all who died against this beast
She dived towards the Grimm, screaming until finally decapitating it with the sword. The body fell lifeless and started to dissipate
Elizabeth: Olivia you did it!
Olivia: hehehe, we did it
Olivia went to one knee, catching her breath.
Elizabeth: you think mom will let us drive freely now
Olivia: I certainly hope so...
Elizabeth: lets get back to house, food sounds pretty good right about now
Olivia: you know what....I'll make waffles
Elizabeth: glad to hear you're the woman in this relationship
Olivia: oh ha ha
They got up and made their way back to the house.
Meanwhile at the house.
Yang was wrapping the boy's up with bandages and giving them casts.
Jason: thanks Mrs. L/N
John: yeah, thank you
Yang: any time
Qrow: I hope the girls made it
Raven: they will, I have a feeling they will
The door opened and Elizabeth and Olivia came through the door and fell.
Elizabeth: woman of the house! We demand waffles
Yang ran up to them and hugged them both
Yang: You're Alive!!
Olivia: that....thing....was amazing! Like it's Power was out there, it can heal, making shock waves, Roars that can push us back!
Jason: Olivia we were there
John: I was hoping you would make it back, I'd never be able to do this
John pulled Olivia close and kissed her.
Jason and Elizabeth smiled at them
Olivia: you do good
Elizabeth: hold up
Elizabeth stared at Jason and charged him, putting him to the ground and began kissing him.
Qrow: hey Yang, that reminds me a lot of you
Yang: oh hush and let them have their moment they deserve this
Qrow: alright....hey Olivia, where did you get that armor
Yang looked and her eyes widened.
Olivia: it reminds me of Dad
Qrow: that's because you are wearing his old armor

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