Sneaking Attempts

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Me: question.....your mother is dead, how did she have you
Jason: well they sent me here from heaven...
Jason: my parents are dead, you were at Beacon....they told me that you were the strongest warrior still living, so they sent me down to come find you
Me: I need to sit down for this.
Jason: I know this is a lot to take in but-
Me: your weapon
Jason: what?
Me: I want to see your weapon
He pulled out a spear.
Me:'s near identical to Pyrrha's.....but instead of a rifle you went with a shotgun?
Jason: you know your weapons, don't you sir?
Me: years of practice.....I'll train you, and I won't pull some Star Wars Bullshit
Jason: what do you mean by that
Me: episode 8 blowed.....they didn't try, I will do everything in my power to train you, but you better give me your damnedest
Jason: yes sir
Me: there's a guest bedroom upstairs, Elizabeth will take you
Elizabeth: sure dad....right this way
They both started walking up the stairs.
Yang: Y/ is this possible
Me: I really don't know.....I'll try and learn more about it tomorrow morning
Yang: what time are you waking him up
Me: early....atleast I'll be able to see if he's a pussy or not
Yang: this is Pyrrha's son, how the hell did this happen
Me: well she was always with that demon guy, you know the jerk, guess they fucked
Yang: but how did they send him
Me: you're asking the wrong guy about this
I heard something fall down the stairs.
Me: I got it
I walked over to see Dave
Me: what the fuck
Yang: could you take him to bed, then we can forget about that horrible dinner
Me: sounds like a plan
TimeSkip Morning
I went into the guest room and shook Jason
Jason: wha-what happened
Me: training begins in 10 minutes, get ready
Jason: what time is it?
Me: 4
He looked at me like I was nuts
Jason: alright....
I left the room, about 2 minutes later he was downstairs
Me: your armor is on backwards
Jason: oh crap
He quickly fixed his armor.
Me: Coffee just finished and there's breakfast on the table, finish it all, the training I'm putting you through, You'll need to eat as much as you can.
Jason: holy crap, it's huge
Me: You're looking at 2 packs of bacon, 6 sausages, an 18 egg omelette with cheese, 4 types of meats that I don't know because I made this in the dark,  then you have ham, 4 pounds of potatoes, and milk and orange juice.
Jason: and you want me to eat all of that?
Me: damn straight, when I was younger, before the Okahoke fire, during training they gave us 10 minutes to eat all of that, if one person didn't finish, they would work us harder than usual, make us run until we threw up some being dead serious some guy threw up his liver and died
Jason: that's screwed up
Me: start eating kid
Jason: is there a fork and knife?
Me: no, use your barehands, it'll be quicker, no need for that nice guy shit.
He started eating quickly, double fisting it.
I heard the stairs creaking, I then saw Olivia, fully dressed, she didn't even notice me.
Me: where are you going?
She screamed and went against the wall holding her heart, must've scared her bad
Olivia: what are you doing up?
I motioned my head towards Jason.
Me: what are you doing up, you never get up before 9.
Olivia: I wanted to go shopping
Me: where are you going? A 7-11?
Olivia: I don't have to tell you
Me: you kinda do....let me guess you're going with that Anthony boy to-
I walked over to the couch and lifted the cushion to grab a poster
Me: to see the Faunus Anarchy, live from 4:30-6
Olivia: how did you find that
Me: you can't hide shit from me....go back to bed
Olivia: no way, I want to see Anthony and you won't stop me
Me: wanna bet?
Olivia: what do you plan to do?
Me: in 10 minutes you'll be fighting Jason here
I heard him start choking, then he swallowed
Jason: WHAT?!
Me: one, I can get a feel for how you fight, and two, it's mainly because of your little pussy boyfriend
Olivia: god dad
I was about to say something until someone started knocking. I walked over to see Anthony at the door
Olivia: who is it?
Me: it's the fuckboy
I opened the door
Me: what?
Anthony: The Faunus Anarchy is Live soon, I'm taking your daughter
I closed the door in his face and locked it.
Me: I'll make you some toast Olivia
I went over to the kitchen and started cooking.
Olivia: what did you burn?
Me: what didn't I burn? Sit
Olivia rolled her eyes and sat down. Someone knocked on the door again
Me: I swear to God if it's Anthony again
I opened the door to see him
Anthony: that was very hurtful, I feel offended that you won't let me see my girlfriend, and that you slammed the door in my face
I slammed the door in his face again.
Me: if he knocks again, I'm gonna punch him in the face.
Jason swallowed hard and Olivia rolled her eyes.
Olivia: you wouldn't dare do it
He knocked again
Me: Oh boy
I answered the door and I saw someone else
Me: what do you want?
????: my name's Todd, my son, Anthony, said that you slammed the door in his face and won't let him see his girlfriend
Me: one, not his girlfriend, it's my daughter, two, you don't come into a man's house, start spreading your ideas of why you hate the military and being a pacifist, three, you don't call said owner of the house and father of so called girlfriend an old man, four, it's 4 in the morning, why should he even be out, and most importantly, your son is the sissiest little fuck I have ever met.
Todd: what's wrong with being a pacifist
Me: we are done here
I slammed the door.
Me: where do you find these people
Olivia: not like you haven't had any dates before mom
Me: yeah I had one, when I was 13, ended 3 months later.
Olivia: so who broke up with who
Me: she was killed by an ursa
Olivia: oh......
Me: get your toast.
I went over and sat down at the table
Jason: sir, how did you lose your hand, if you don't mind my asking
Me: Grimm Goliaths are assholes
Jason: what about your eye?
Me: like I said, Goliaths are assholes
Jason: question, how is it humanly possible to eat all of this
Me: deep breaths, undoing the belt and don't stop for anything
Jason: did they really make you eat this much every day?
Me: give or take a few eggs.
Jason: holy crap
Me: you don't curse much, do you?
Jason: no, I know my father cursed a lot
Me: worse than me
Olivia: ugh
Me: hey, you woke up early, so you're dealing with this

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