Jason vs Olivia

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Me: Jason, I suppose your parents want you to go to school?
Jason: they do, they want me to go to Beacon, and finish High School
Me: I'll drop you off tomorrow
Jason: thank you sir
Me: you don't have to call me sir, just call me Y/N and we'll get along just fine
Jason: sorry
Me: why are you sorry.....finish eating, you're going to fight in 3 minutes
He started eating faster.
Me: Olivia, get ready
Olivia: like Hell
Me: little girl it is 4 in the morning, get ready for training, you brought this upon yourself.
Olivia: bite me
Me: fine, if that gets ripped up, don't complain to me
Olivia: fine....give me five minutes
Me: you have two; now hurry up
She went up the stairs.
Jason: Y/N??
Me: yeah?
Jason: what happened, if you don't mind my asking
Me: well, she's with this boy, and I don't her anywhere near him, he's a little bitch
Jason: if you want I could give you details on what happens at the school
Me: thanks kid, I don't want her going to the dance that's coming up with him.
Jason: there's dances at the schools?
Me: yeah......I went with Yang to my first dance, now that was a day I'll never forget.
Jason: tell me Y/N, if you find love....will you know?
Me: you will definitely know, look at your mother for example, your father was her childhood friend, he was a complete asshole in the beginning when I met him.....but she didn't stop, and look at those two now
Jason: to be honest I kinda want to see a fight between you and my father
Me: I think it'd be a close match
Jason: who would win?
Me: I would have to see how it plays out.....alright time for training.
Jason: I still have so much food
Me: put it on he floor, Zwei will eat it
Jason: that tiny little dog?
Me: you'd be amazed, now let's go....hey start going through the obstacle course, I'm going to grab Olivia
I went up the stairs and stopped by her room. I pressed my ear to the door.
Olivia: I'm sorry about my father Anthony....he's just old and set in his ways
Anthony: he hurts you know, it just sucks when your safe space is shattered
Olivia: aw poor thing....would you like a kiss
Anthony: yes please
I felt my blood pressure rise and I kicked the door open to see the fuck in her room....shirtless and kissing her.
Me: what the FUCK!!!! I thought I kicked your ass out
Olivia: he came through my window
I looked at her in disbelief.
Me: I'll pay for the damages
Olivia: damages for what?
I grabbed Anthony and threw him out the window, seeing him roll off the roof.
Olivia: Dad!!
Me: downstairs......NOW
She stormed out of her room.
Yang: Y/N what happened?
Me: that little fuck....go back to bed
Yang: I can't go back to bed, you woke me up
Me: I'm sorry Yang
Yang: it's fine
Me: did I wake Dave up?
Yang: no, he's still asleep.
Me: alright......I'll be outside, Jason and Olivia will be fighting
Yang: alright, no titty grabbing
Me: you got it
I went down the stairs to see Jason talking to Olivia. Not gonna lie, if Olivia wasn't so crazy about that spineless bitch, those two could work.....
Me: alright you two, I want to see you guys at your best, but let me put down a few ground rules, no titty grabbing, no dick kicking, no throat punches, and remember.....to have fun
Olivia: whatever
She got battle ready, she pulled out her sword and Jason pulled out his weapon.
They both immediately clashed, within seconds she was pinned on the ground.
Me: damn Jason....did your father train you?
Jason: yeah
Me: he did good
Jason offered Olivia a hand and she took it.
Me: fight!
The fight lasted a little longer and once again Jason pinned Olivia.
Me: Olivia, you had a perfect window to pin him
Olivia: I want to see you try
Me: alright
I took her place.
Olivia: fight.....whatever
He lunged at me, I saw he tried to trip me, I used my weight to my advantage and caused him to trip. He fell to the ground and I put my sword to his throat.
Me: it isn't about strength, it's about outsmarting your enemy and using your natural advantages, I have armor, the tripping wouldn't work, what you should've done is use the gun and stun me, then you would've had a chance....continue fighting.
Jason: yes sir
Olivia: kiss ass
Me: no Olivia....he just has respect for his elders

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