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"Scott, Stiles, what took you so long?" I complained as they left the locker rooms. Scott ran onto the field with the other players, not even sparing me a glance. "You know, he is so rude sometimes." I sighed, "How do you cope with him Stiles?""

"Are you kidding me? You should be asking me how I cope with you." Stiles said, rolling his eyes.

"I hate you." I whined, throwing my arm over his shoulder. "You still owe me a sword, Stilinski."

"Yeah but I live in fear that if I ever give you a sword you'll decapitate me. So..."

I punched him in the shoulder and narrowed my eyes at him, "We shook on it."

"You know, punching me in the arm really isn't helping your cause." I glared at him. Stiles held his hands up in surrender, "Okay, fine. I'll get you a sword."

We walked on the field as Coach was making the team run laps. "What are you waiting for?" he yelled at Scott, who had been staring off into space. "Go!"

I took a seat next to Stiles on the bench. "Is everything okay with Scott? He seems a little – spaced out." I asked.

"Remember how Scott told us about the werewolf hunters?" I shook my head, I felt like that was information I'd remember being told. "Well, they're these people who hunt werewolves."

"As the name implies."

"Anyway, Scott was in the woods last night and he got shot. Derek kinda helped him and the guy that shot him was – Allison's dad."

I gaped at him, "Hun- hunters? Allison's dad? Allison? Allison as in Allison the girl that Scott likes?"

Stiles nodded. The team gathered, everybody got in position and Scott took a running start at the goal. Jackson took him down easily. Jackson walked away with a smirk plastered on his face. Coach Finstock went over to talk to Scott. "What are we gonna do?" Stiles looked confused. "About the hunters?" I clarified.

Stiles shrugged, "Haven't figured it out yet."

"Well maybe he should stay away from Allison for a while." I suggested.

Stiles scoffed, "You try telling Scott that."

"McCall's gonna do it again!" Coach yelled, drawing my attention back to the field. Finstock blew the whistle. Scott ran straight at Jackson who hit the ground and grabbed at his shoulder. The team started to swarm around Jackson, Scott fell to his knees.

I got up and sprinted over to Scott, Stile following at my heels. "Scott? Scott, what's happening?" I asked, falling to my knees next to him.

"I can't – I can't control it, it's happening!" Scott grunted. I grabbed his arm and helped Stiles get him off the ground. Stiles began guiding Scott across the field, I went to follow but a dark figure standing near the bleachers caught my eye.

"Derek Hale." I greeted as I came to stand beside him, my eyes following Scott and Stiles.

"Alexandria." He nodded.

"Not to be rude – but what are you doing here?" I asked Derek as Stiles all but dragged Scott into the school.

"I told you I'd help your brother."

I rolled my eyes, "This isn't helping – this is stalking." I cleared my throat, "Stiles told me about the hunters. Are they the Argents?" Derek nodded. "Is she-"

"I don't know."

I crossed my arms over my chest and clenched my jaw, "If I see that bitch, I might commit a murder."

"You and me both."

I took a few deep breathes and forced myself to calm down. I reached out and touched Derek's arm tentatively, "I – uh, I'm really sorry about Laura, Derek." I said in a soft tone. In an unexpected motion Derek reached forward and pulled me into a hug. My head rested on his chest, and I clutched onto him. With everything that had been going on with Scott everything had been feeling like a dream, but Derek felt solid, real.

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