Chapter 1 | Welcome to UnLondon

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Each lonely street was lined with buildings, each building reminiscent of Victorian era London. Even the architecture of the newer buildings was replaced with pipes, brass, brick and other old materials. The only light was the faint gas street lamps, that were dotted along the side of each pavement equally spaced apart, even so the lighting is unreliable as not all the lamps work.

I found it amazing that the entirety of this place was contained within a
Cavern located only one kilometre below London. SCP-1678 truly was a magnificent place, from the aesthetic to the sheer scale of the city. Unlondon, a true masterpiece of architecture, it's just a pity no one except the foundation knows about its beauty.

It's was just a shame that the foundation had only secured the Hyde Park section of Unlondon made of a trees, not of lush green but rather wilting and barely hanging onto life. "Elise" a voice snapped from behind me using my first name. "Stop day dreaming. You shouldn't even be here remember?" The voice continued as I was lead back into the research tent and turned to face the voice.

The voice belonged to Donald McNeil, a man born and raised in Scotland and a field agent and a guard for the on-site research station located in Unlondon. "Oh sorry, it's just I'm overwhelmed by this place" I responded with a small smile.

Donald folded his arms and raised his head in disbelief showing off his stern grey eyes, "I don't see why you wanted come here anyway. You'd get all the same samples whether you were here or at a foundation laboratory, except at a lab you wouldn't be under constant threat of being killed."

"Well you're right but what will we learn if we stay cooped up in the same lab, it's my opinion that we should be close to the SCP's so one day, we can truly understand them." I replied sincerely.

"Heh you really are a strange one miss Bernard" Donald replied using my second name, as his eyes looked toward me showing off his black stubble. We then both walked back inside the research tent his tactical gear making noise as he walked while my own professional black blazer, white shirt and pants with flat shoes made little noise.

Once inside Donald went back to patrolling while I went back to analysing SCP-1678-D or Dr Goody's Wonderfood. The testing was simple and a repeat of other test just carried out in the boundaries of UnLondon.

While I was carrying out these tests I thought about how I'd convinced Donald to let me come with him. It had been a normal day at the facility when Donald had just come back from being stationed at Unlondon, I'd cornered him outside of men's bathroom. "Agent McNeil I hear you've been working with SCP- 1678–" he cut me off.

He pressed me against the wall forcefully but his grip light as not to hurt me. "Now now Elise you don't have to call me agent McNeil. Call me Donald" he replied as he placed his lips on mine.

I forced a chuckle out and replied, "alright Donald, can you get me into Unlondon? I'm only class C but as an on-site field agent you can give me clearance."

"Oh yeah?" Donald chuckled, "and what do I get out of this arrangement?" He questioned.

"Two nights, you and me, your place" I responded to his question as a smirk appeared on his smug face. This wasn't the first time that I'd offered Donald a few nights of pleasure in exchange for something, he probably thought he was using me to get away from his wife.

"Make it three" he replied as he grabbed under my thighs and lifted me up, and our lips locked once again.

Suddenly, a commotion snapped me back to reality. The commotion originated from outside the research tent. Timidly, I creeped to the entrance of the tent, I peered through the gap to take a closer look at the commotion. Outside a science officer by the name of Josephus Herman, he seemed mad with worry as he smacked his bald head against a table. Josephus, in a state of pure madness then shouted, "THE MONARCH! THE MONARCH LIVES SHE SENDS HER BOBBIES. RUNNNN—" his rant was cut off by Donald's rifle smacking against Josephus's head.

Donald quickly placed a pair of handcuffs on Josephus's hands restraining them around his back. I creeped out from the tent and into view of Donald. "What the hell happened to him?" I asked Donald.

Donald gave a shrug, "no fuckin' clue."

"Maybe an SCP?" I replied.

Our speculations were cut off by an ear splitting scream, and the eerie message blaring all arose from us "Halt! Police!" The voice was almost robotic with a London accent. Donald and I then looked toward the entrance of the camp, we saw three cases of SCP-1678-A also known as Bobbies. SCP-1678-A were humanoid in shape and dressed in police uniforms commonly worn by Victorian era police officer along with bandages wrapped around their heads. They moved with jagged movements (probably due to the fact that their joints consisted brass hinges and gears while their limbs and torsos were decaying human carcasses).

One of the Bobbies stepped forward and using a billy-club held in its hand it proceeded to beat a nearby scientist to death, her head was the first place hit, yet she didn't die upon impact. The next area the Bobby hit was her kneecap, the bone shattered evidenced by the audible harsh crack of bone. Then as the scientist tried to crawl away tears pouring down her face mixing with blood from her head. The Bobby looked down at her as if contemplating letting her go, before raising it's leg and stamping on her chest repeatedly until her rib cage collapsed inward.

Hurriedly, Donald and I raced back inside the research tent as other guards started shooting. "What the hell!" I snapped.

"C'mon Elise. Snap out of it we need to get to the exit right fuckin' now!" Donald commanded. I nodded in response as Donald pointed toward the exit and said "alright so the exit tunnel is about fifty metres that way on my mark we run like hell. Got it?" He commanded.

"Yeah- yeah I got it" I replied as I got ready to run and waited for Donald's signal.

"Three" Donald whispered lowly as I breathed in and out ready to run. "Two" Donald continued his count as I readied myself preparing for the sprint. "One" Donald finished his countdown as we both started running whilst Donald fired a few bullets towards the growing horde of Bobbies, only adding to the growing sound of gunfire all around us.

We raced toward the exit (which was just a tunnel barely wide enough for one person at a time). A group of people crowded around the tunnel all of them trying to squeeze through, some even clambered on top of each other trying to reach the exit, crushing their colleagues. The Bobbies grew closer to the exit and sensing there was no where through I ducked to the side of the tunnel, hiding in a research tent. I watched as Bobbbies started to crush, stab, beat and stamp on the foundation personnel all desperately clambering to the exit.

Just as the Bobbies were about to get through the tunnel a large metal door slammed shut locking all the Bobbies out, but also locking out all of site staff. I watched as after the Bobbies had finished their attempts at getting through the tunnel door they started to drag the bodies of the site staff away and out of the base camp.

Along the way, in the midst of all the chaos I'd lost Donald. For all I knew he was dead crushed under the foot of a Bobby. Without any other option I waited in my hiding spot, I waited as my senses started to come back to me. As they came back I heard the ending of the UnLondon entrance recording all played in a robotic London accent "I welcome you to UnLondon, the Last City. And the first."

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