Chapter 15 | Confrontation

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My heart beat raced faster than a speeding car, my blood forcing itself through my veins with a severe ferocity. I had fallen to the floor my limbs, and entire body feeling weak. Through slightly blurred vision, I raised my hands, they trembled slightly as a numbness spread from the tips of my finger down my wrists.

If I were to describe the feeling that burned through my brain like a wild fire would be a feeling of death. Or more accurately, like the figure of death had his grip around my throat causing breathing to become difficult.

I knew what was happening to me. The severe chest pains only added and confirmed my suspicions.

I was having a panic attack, the symptoms were obvious: the racing heart beat, the feeling of weakness, the numbness in the hands, the chest pains and the breathing difficulties.

After I'd identified what was happening I set about trying to stop it. First I focused on my breathing, more accurately I focused on taking deeper breaths. But that wasn't enough I then tried focusing on a singular object, the object was a small chimney on an adjacent rooftop. I focused on the small brick structure silent in the dark, but my breathing was not slowing, in fact my panic attack was getting worse.

With my panic attack getting worse and the finding a focus object not working, I instead closed my eyes. My eyelids reduced the world around me to complete darkness, while I focused on steadying my ragged breathing.

Eventually, my heart beat slowed down, until I cold no longer feel the pulsating in my neck. The darkness was soothing, and slowly my pains attack started to fade away. Although my symptoms were reducing, I still kept my eyes shut, as if keeping them shut would shut out all of UnLondon.

Hands crawled across my over my back and onto my shoulders causing my skin to shudder. My eyes napped open as my breathing increased, I turned and saw Donald caressing my shoulders. "It's okay Elise, calm down" Donald tried to soothe me, but he only aggravated my panic attack.

"Get the fuck off me!" I snapped as I moved out of his grasp.

I looked at saints his face turned to one of disgust. "Elise I- I- I'm tryin' to help! Trying to calm ye down!" His voice was a mix of annoyance and forced sincerity.

I snapped. "Is that what you did with Camilla, when she said stop. When she said no. Were you jus calming her down?" I asked rhetorically. My words flowed out of anger, prompted my my panic attack.

Donald's face turned to one of pure anger. "What the fuck! What the duck did that cunt say to you! She's a fuckin' liar!" Donald snapped back.

I rose to my feet. "Why the hell would she lie?"

"She just jealous baby," Donald rose a took a step closer as I moved back. "Aww c'mon baby, we can fix this," he walked forward his arms outstretched as if he was offering a hug.

Instinctually, I reached behind me and retrieved my pistol. I steadied my aim and aimed at Donald's temple, "stay the fuck back!" I commanded.

"What the hell are you doing?" Donald asked shock written across his face as he raised his hands into the air.

The pistol shook in my grasp so I steadied it with my other hand. "What I'm doing? What I'm doing is I'm getting you to fuckin' confess!" I commanded.

"Confess to what?" Donald replied, his voice sickening with its utter lack of remorse.

"You fuckin' liar-" I started to shout back but I was cut off. Donald ducked low, and charged toward me, he slammed his elbow into my stomach and knocked the gun from my hands. He ya jokes me to the ground and I kicked wildly trying to get him off. "GET THE FUCK OFF-" he cut me off by his hand smithing my mouth.

Donald flipped me onto my front. "You bitch, this shit will not be tolerated. I'll teach you not fuckin' test me" Donald's words echoed around, as he ripped my pants down. I cried. He struggled with his belt.

His hand slipped from over my mouth. "Please. Please stop stop-" he covered my mouth again. I kicked. His legs spread mine. A tear slipped from my eye. Donald thrusted. A painful wounding. Fear rolled through me. He thrust again. I bit his hand. He thirst again. Pain and sick pleasure resonated within me. I used my arms and flailed. His free ah d twisted my arms behind my back. Another thrust. Another wave of pain. I shut my eyes. I couldn't escape. I tried. I went limp. I prayed for unconsciousness. It never arrived.

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